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Messages - Rods2

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General Discussion Area / Re: Global warming
« on: 15 January 2020, 01:25:10 »
Global warming is real not imagined. :)

Two useful warming periods in the 20th century & after our 2016 super El Nino we are now on a sun cycle cooling trend with the last 3 years getting progressively cooler. This will continue for the next 3 x 11 year sun cycles (25 to 27) until 2053 (when Lord Opti celebrates his 300th birthday! :P). The period 2028-32 are going to be very cold with widespread northern hemisphere crop failures. After 2053 we will continue with our global warming as part of the sun's 400 year solar cycle as we increase the temperature by another 2-3degC to continue our recovery from the last ice age and reach the Earths last 1 billion years average temperature. CO2 cycles follow temperature where the hotter the climate the less CO2 the oceans can hold. This lag varies from 5 months (local warming effect) to 800 years ocean temperature increase, where the warming or cooling takes a very long time with the oceans vast thermal capacity.

The difference between a sun warm period & a cold period is about 1.5w/m2. Our climate is driven by the sun, cosmic events, Milankovitch cycles, volcanic activity, tectonic plate continental drift and their resultant ocean currents.
What has helped STEMO is that they will have been grown in a poly tunnel with CO2 levels artificially increased towards the C3 plant photosynthesis sweet spot of 800ppm, so they grow faster & bloom quicker. Agricultural profits work on one cost triangle: Cost of growing: Cost of heating v cost of CO2 injection v cost of growing time. Cost harvesting quadrangle 2: Cost of picking v cost of packaging v cost of transporting to market v EU CAP taxes & quotas and this will decide where the cheapest / most profitable place to grow them is.

General Discussion Area / Re: Reversing Type 2 diabetes
« on: 14 January 2020, 01:00:44 »
Beer & biscuits are both high-gi, hi-carb, but the reason I haven't eaten biscuits most of my adult life is looking up the ingredients from hydrogenated vegetable oil (now banned in the US for the trans fat heart attack meal of choice) but also palm oil which is not only added to biscuits but so many other grain based foods, often guiltily labeled as 'vegetable oil' as the alternative saturated fat heart attack soft eating niceness killer of voluntary choice. Half of my family has a history of circulation premature death from stokes & heart attacks, so I'm hoping to do better on this. The other half have lived to their mid to high nighties apart from one aunt who died at 102.

Diet wise, I can only tell you about my personal experiences & what works for me, try it & see if it woks for you, but at the end of the day as with all personal preferences it is always about what works for you. :y

Exercise is great & never forget that the heart is a muscle & the more you exercise it the stronger it is. But generally excessive calories v exercise, excessive calories will win, so you need to reduce this.

General Discussion Area / Re: Reversing Type 2 diabetes
« on: 13 January 2020, 12:17:17 »
About 50% can control their type 2 diabetes with fast weight reduction & diet and about 50% can't & need reduced meds. I will find when I hit my target weight which of these 2 I am. Once you've got type 2 diabetes you can't get rid of it all you can do with rapid weight loss & the reduction of internal body fat is to get it in remission so your insulin intolerance goes down.

Where type 2 diabetes & dementia are much more common in our generation compared to previous ones there are studies to try & find any links with environmental factors, food & diet & more prevalent viral & bacterial infections.

It is interesting that they have now found Multiple Sclerosis is triggered by a combination of getting two different viruses during your lifetime, which triggers your immune system to attack as an invader the myelin sheath on your nerves. Still much is unknown about the link between illness & how long term our immune systems reacts to them.

General Discussion Area / Re: Reversing Type 2 diabetes
« on: 13 January 2020, 00:56:26 »
I'm in the process of reversing mine at the moment through a combination of a very low carb diet & Dr Mosley's 800 Fast Diet book. In August my annual blood test was 55 and 3 months later 34 which is very good, where 35 is the pre-diabetes threshold, so I have dropped one lot of my daily medications. I've lost 9kg in that time, put 1-2kg on over Christmas and now back on the diet. My aim is to get down to my ideal body weight that I was between 20 & 40yo, by losing 22kg to get down to 66-67kg which was my weight before my weight started creeping up & will give me a bmi 22-23. When I have the severe adverse reaction to a flu vaccination in 2015 my weight dropped to 63kg & until I felt right again as I recovered from this I didn't care about my weight gain until I felt right again & had regained a lot of muscle wastage which took 1 to 2 years.

I've found the very low carb diet the easiest one I've ever been on where you don't get peaks & troughs in your blood sugar levels. The troughs lead to food cravings, where on a low carb diet you just don't get them to the same extent, you just get a dull hunger feeling which is livable with. Replacing carbs with increased levels of fat is part of the keto process along with eating plenty of protein to stop muscle loss, but with your kidneys you may need to watch your protein levels. My kidneys are impaired at level 3a, but I have had a slight improvement over the last couple of years and over the last 3 month between blood tests they were steady. Ron, I'm guessing yours are at 3b?

Although, I've got the Fast 800 book & recipe book & limit myself to 800 calories twice a week, I found by far the best book I bought & thoroughly recommended is: "The real meal revolution" by Professor Tim Noakes. The three double green, yellow & red pages will show you low carb food groups, yellow are ones you can eat in small quantities & red are ones you must avoid. The book covers how keto & low carb diets work & how a low carb diet with increased fat intake reduces LDL cholesterol levels where your body can't make them.

This 1950's Yank advice to eat a low fat, high carb diet has been a disaster for Western societies, where the one group of foods we don't need are carbohydrates, especially high-gi sugars & grains & vegetable oils. For cooking use olive oil or butter. Beer & cider are not allowed but wine is. For a long drink I drink a pint of dry white wine & soda water & normally red wine when on an evening meal out.

The only side effects have been reduced joint pain within 3 days of stopping eating all grains including bread, no bloating & feeling overfull as you seem to just naturally adjust to eating less food. I've had slight constipation for which I take a Inulin & Psyllium Husk supplement to keep me regular.

I have a couple of books on Keto breads but I haven't tried any of the recipes yet, but they are expensive to make where they use almond flour which is expensive, so budget at ~£3 a loaf. Where I work from home I've found it easier just to cook something like an egg for breakfast with a small quantity of either strawberries or blueberries, lunch some un-battered & un-breaded fish (normally salmon) or meat with vegetables or salad & similar for the evening meal. I have now perfected a very-hot very low-carb chilli con carne with cauliflower rice. It is based on mince beef, a small onion, green beans, celery, sweet peppers & hot chilli peppers & replacing the kidney beans with either an aubergine(s) and/or courgette(s), where I like my regular very-hot spicy food. I've found a complete medium cauliflower give the right amount of cauliflower rice & it has a very similar texture to ordinary rice & I personally prefer the cauliflower flavour.

If I occasionally need to eat a snack then it is normally, a few small tomatoes, a handful of radishes (1.5cals each) or a few blueberries.

General Discussion Area / Re: Iran
« on: 11 January 2020, 20:15:13 »
Because of the potential global catastrophic dangers from nuclear weapons. Since WWII there have been a series of global non-proliferation  and inspection treaties signed by most countries in the world that can & will be backed up by international sanctions like on DPRK and to a lessor extent Iran are under, with their flouted ban on ballistic missile development. Like it or not up to WWII the UK was the unliked global police force & since then it has been the unliked US. In both cases as it has reined in many nations against the wars & geopolitical gains they would like to achieve. The post-WWII series of treaties & our current global rules based system culminating in the Helsinki Final Act. To further reduct the danger of MAD global destruction there have been a series of START treaties between the two main nuclear powers, the US and Russia.

Eg. The sanction against Russia on the annexing of Crimea are an example of punishment given by the West for breaking mutually agreed international treaties and rules. :y

It is in none of the countries who are in the nuclear club to allow unstable regimes to acquire nuclear weapons and use them to blackmail their neighbours for geopolitical gain or to start launching them around the world if they think it will save their regime. Imagine if General Galtieri with his Falkland invasion if they backed it up with ICBM nukes launched at the UK to save the Falkland's defeat and the falling of his junta. :o :o :o The fact that we could & probably would have relatiated, so you have two countries suffering horrific damage and casualties, nuclear fallout & maybe a short nuclear winter would also not be appreciated by us or them or the 200+ innocent bystander countries and this is before you start considering nuclear weapon security, terrorism or weapon safety, so they aren't accidentally or deliberately launched due to poor control procedures, design or maintenance.

We have just had the murder of 179 passengers as a result of poor training & control of the military base air-to-air defence systems, now imagine if those itchy fingers were on a nuclear ICBM button & central London Barnsley were the landing coordinates entered into it. :o

Something doesn't add up on the shooting down of the UIA passenger jet & I'm hearing some ugly rumores at the moment on why it was targeted, but nothing that as yet has been substantiated or independently verified, so I'm not going to repeat them at this time. :-X

I can't see Uncle STEMO asleep in bed, dreaming he is a dog with diarrhea on a bowling green ending well! ::) :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Iran
« on: 11 January 2020, 12:57:27 »
So, in summary.
America killed one Iranian. Iran vowed revenge. Iran then killed another 50 Iranians at the funeral. Iran then killed another 82 Iranians on an aircraft.
Iran fired missiles at American bases in Iraq, killing no one.
So, America killed 1 and Iran killed 132.......all Iranian.

That just about covers it.
Sadly appears to be the case...  :'(
This is really bad PR. The vehemently deny something, accusing others of having ulterior motives, then just flick to an admission and apology. This makes the people who initially made the denial look like foolish stooges who are now valueless to the regime, as they will not be taken seriously in future.
All future accusations against Iran, no doubt followed by rebuttals, will be brought back to this point and they will not be believed.

The Russian shooting down of MH17 and their continued denials is much worse with those that made these mistakes, with the BUK missile launch, almost certainly paying with their lives.

The same thing may well happen in Iran, we will see.

Be thankful you live in a democracy, where I've always told you in a dictatorship lives are cheap including yours, where the lease can be terminated, at anytime by the regime, with no appeal possible.

General Discussion Area / Re: Very strange day...
« on: 09 January 2020, 15:16:29 »
much like Megan dominates Harry

She could dominate me, any day.

she becomes the obscure Mrs Redneck III with her tin mansion on the local trailer park.

Pretty sure she was worth a fair wedge before she got together with either, so unlikely to end up in a trailer park - she can always go back to acting..

99% of actors & actresses earn less than the minimum wage. The 1% are generally household names & before Harry met Sally Megan I can't recall any of her films, TV shows or Broadway reviews, but then again I'm not a big fan of the visual arts, so you will have to enlighten me with a few links to them.


Do you have lots of Yankee candles at your house?😂
Most of the UK have electric lighting now Uncle Stemo  :y
and don't use ex U.S army WW2 surplus candles for light  :P

If it hadn't been for that Serbian & US immigrant Nikola Tesla & his invention of the AC electrical grid system we would probably all still be like Uncle STEMO: Getting up at dawn & putting on our bear skins, picking up our clubs, bows & arrows for a days hunting & not getting home until dusk & like our OOF Uncle explaining to Mrs STEMO, what a bad days hunting it had been & it was fresh air for supper again. ::) :o :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Very strange day...
« on: 09 January 2020, 14:35:18 »
Oh dear, after her divorce to Mr Redneck, instead of becoming an anonymous Mrs Redneck II, she got her claws on a Prince & that involves  being a public figure & she can't stand the heat & wisely gets out of the kitchen. Being married to a price & having a sprog will save her from from having to take a job as a shelf stacker or barcode swiper at Walmart or burger flipping & trash bin emptying at Maccy D, well until IMV they divorce & she becomes the obscure Mrs Redneck III with her tin mansion on the local trailer park.

IMO it's no loss to Queen or country.

General Discussion Area / Re: Iran
« on: 09 January 2020, 14:09:32 »
UIA 737 was relatively new where it was delivered in 2016 and last had scheduled maintenance two days before the Iran flight. There is much speculation, disinformation & conspiracy theories. Pictures have shown small holes in the aircraft debris fuselage, but that maybe no more the stones hitting the fuselage from the terrain where it crashed.

A US defence journal is claiming it was shot down by an Iranian Tor-M1 in this article, but at this point IMO it can't be considered to be anything more than speculation at this time, until we know more.

M'lud while you are waiting just shuffle off down to your local supermarket & browse their Easter egg display, you know it makes sense as post 31/1/2020 all the shops will be empty & fire eating dragons will be patrolling the UK skies & streets according to the LimpDims. ::) ::) ;D :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Tin hat time?
« on: 03 January 2020, 18:07:32 »
Good for all major oil producing countries with the US now the biggest producer in the world. Not so good for European countries who have banned fracking or made it virtually impossible like in the UK.

General Discussion Area / Re: Dominic Cummings
« on: 03 January 2020, 17:32:45 »
Well good luck to her and if this makes her happy then that a good thing.  :y
Exactly.  I care not how people live their lives, as long as it doesn't piss off others :y.

Though I'd have to own up and say I have a curious fascination with lesbianism :P

Worry not. It's a perfectly normal thing as I'm sure Lord Opti will confirm when he wakes up:)

Yes......the definition of lesbianism being two (or more) tall leggy women aged between 18 and 35 enjoying each others moist warm juices.

Does Ann Widdecombe getting down and dirty with 'wee Jimmy Krankie' count as lesbianism in Brackley?
That,s more like Hammer House of Horrors. :o

Agreed....but Brackley is a rather strange place. Full of oddballs, misfits and pyromaniacs. :)


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