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Topics - nuttyknitter

Pages: [1]
Omega General Help / Running temperature poll
« on: 24 March 2018, 17:51:59 »
Jut curious: What is your car's normal average running temperature?
Let's say running in a straight line on a flat road, 50 mph or so.

2 votes available for those with multiple cars or had experience of other Omegas of different size engines.

Omega General Help / Head gasket fail or other root cause?
« on: 22 March 2018, 13:44:02 »

I inherited a lovely Vauxhall Omega 2.2 CD in January (52 plate) with 70 odd thousand miles on the clock. It has run fine for 1,600 miles but recently it had an amount of white steam coming from the exhaust and water being low in the water bottle which I assume is head gasket failure.

Since then, due to the large expense of head gasket repair, I decided to buy some K-Seal as recommended by a friend to see if this cured the issue. Remarkably, after a few days, no more steam out of the exhaust and the car inside the cabin is still warm as my friend said it might gum up the heater and be cold.

The car runs fine for about three miles from cold but after which then starts to run rough so I park up, and find if I release the pressure from the water bottle to let the air out, the car runs superb again for another few miles, but then I have to repeat the process. The car seems to be keeping the water in OK (apart from any bubbles popping out of the water bottle when I release the cap.

Needlessly to say I am only using if for short runs at the moment, but my question is, could there be an underlying "common to Omegas" root cause causing pressurisation which in turn blew the head gasket that is an easy fix? Or is it pretty much game over as my son would say?

As I say, very little to no steam now out of the exhaust, - just ike any other car I guess, and it runs fine for a few miles from cold.

Any help on things to check would be grateful.

Also some information in the picture after a 5 mile run in the car from cold.

Thank you.

Newbie Welcome Area / Hello from the Nutty Knitter
« on: 22 March 2018, 13:22:47 »
Hello all,

I'm from Manchester and like to knit. :)

Apart from that I had the good fortune in early January to inherit a lovely and comfortable Vauxhall Omega (2.2 CDX), a big car which I am sure you know which has wonderful comfy and heated seats to help my sore back.

It has been running wonderfully since early January and I have covered 1600 miles in it since getting it. It has done 70 odd thousand miles and (did) run like a dream.

A friend recommended me to this site as he is also a member I believe, and he said you may be able to help me out if possible. I will post my problem the other part of your forums.

Thank you and hello again from me!

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