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Wheel stuck on hub

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Not my omega but my partners volvo. She has a screw in the rear tyre. I decided to fit the spare but could not get the wheel off it was "welded" to the hub. I tried some light knocking with a wooden mallet but no joy.Any suggestions? Alloy to steel problem?

Migv6 le Frog Fan:
Slacken the nuts, then drive it a few yards and stamp on the brakes.  :y

Andy B:
This  :y And as Mig says, it only needs to be a few yards so you can generally do it on a driveway

Or smartly whack the inboard side of the wheel with a rubber mallet until it releases. First remove the wheel nuts/bolts and then loosely reinstate two opposing. With the wheel off you'll need to thoroughly clean any corrosion off the hub boss and the mating part of the wheel. Perhaps a little Copaslip on the boss

Nick W:

--- Quote from: Enceladus on 17 April 2021, 21:47:04 ---Or smartly whack the inboard side of the wheel with a rubber mallet until it releases. First remove the wheel nuts/bolts and then loosely reinstate two opposing. With the wheel off you'll need to thoroughly clean any corrosion off the hub boss and the mating part of the wheel. Perhaps a little Copaslip on the boss

--- End quote ---

I find a length of 4x2 is much more effective than a mallet. Safer too, as you don't need to be under the car and have more room to swing.

Loosening the wheel nuts and driving the car a short distance is also effective.

Cleaning everything and a smear of copperslip is essential before refitting alloy wheels


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