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General Discussion Area / Car Insurance Conversation
« on: 22 July 2021, 07:50:43 »
Me 'Why has my Insurance gone up by £70'

Them 'I can give you £40 discount of that price'

Me 'I've hardly used the car because of COVID'

Them 'Ok, you can have an extra £25 discount'

Me 'What if I reduce my annual mileage by !000?'

Them 'I can give you £40 discount for that'

Me 'I've fitted a dashcam'

Them 'You can have an extra £25 discount for a dashcam'

It beggars belief, but that's cheaper than the comparison sites.

General Discussion Area / Solar Battery Chargers
« on: 21 July 2021, 07:23:18 »
Are they any good?

Is this one any good? :-

As both cars are not used much these days for long journeys, I though of getting a couple.

General Discussion Area / Is Windows 11 the death of the PC?
« on: 01 July 2021, 09:04:02 »
As millions of PC's won't be able to run Win 11, will people just use their tablets and phones instead?

General Discussion Area / Impressed
« on: 29 May 2021, 17:41:29 »
With my Nextbase 322GW, despite a lot of negative reviews, worked first time, I like the way it clips into the window mount by magnet for easy removal.

Video quality is excellent.

App also connects first time every time and seems quite professional.

Thinking of buying the clip in rear view module to compliment it.

General Discussion Area / ODBII power adaptor
« on: 23 May 2021, 13:58:10 »
Thoughts on using to power a dash cam please.

General Car Chat / Battery Reading
« on: 12 May 2021, 11:24:01 »
What do knowledgeable people make of these battery readings:-

Battery Voltage - 40% - 12.1v

Battery Starter Power - 10.1v

Alternator Output -  14.9v

Battery Capacity - 97% - 783amp

General Discussion Area / Bye Bye
« on: 23 April 2021, 11:08:21 »
....Merc & Caravan....Hello Astra K 1.4 Petrol Elite Auto Sports Tourer.

General Discussion Area / Browser v. Apps
« on: 21 November 2020, 08:02:19 »
Using Edge, do you convert your favourite web sites to apps?

General Discussion Area / Snooker
« on: 01 November 2020, 07:42:58 »
I haven't played snooker for over 30 years, out of boredom during the current restrictions I booked myself a lesson with a WPBSA 1st4Sport World Snooker Coach.

After the lesson I had a practice and knocked in a 52 break - dead chuffed.

General Discussion Area / Taken from inSSider
« on: 12 September 2020, 12:36:11 »
5Ghz Configuration Mismatch.

Your access points in the 5 Ghz Band are not all configured with the same Extended Capabilities.

What does this mean and how do I rectify it?

General Discussion Area / Euro Car Parts
« on: 22 July 2020, 09:43:01 »
Did an online order for filters for the Merc and Astra yesterday @ 10.00a.m., chose 7 - 10 days free delivery.

Arrived at 03.00p.m. yesterday afternoon.

Don't know what TB's problem is. :D

General Car Chat / Help Needed
« on: 21 July 2020, 10:38:44 »
Is there anyone within a 50 mile radius of me willing to help me do a brake bleed and an anti-freeze change on Mrs AA's Astra?

I'm getting too old to crawl underneath :'(

Will travel.

General Discussion Area / Which?
« on: 17 July 2020, 07:43:01 »
Is it worth the £9.75 per month?

General Discussion Area / Inssider
« on: 10 July 2020, 15:19:19 »
If I'm connected to VPN, Inssider won't load.

If I load Inssider first, then connect to VPN it works.

Anyone else have the same problem?

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