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Messages - Tony H

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General Car Chat / Re: Remap questions
« on: 03 April 2024, 20:22:14 »
Hi jaime as been said before OOf is like hotel California" you can never leave" I will continue to lurk :) :y

General Car Chat / Re: Remap questions
« on: 12 March 2024, 19:49:49 »
Hi Tony, Good to see you about, how you doing?
Not to bad Jimbob thanks for asking Hope your well  :y

General Car Chat / Remap questions
« on: 11 March 2024, 19:16:31 »
Hi all not posted on here for a while since my Omega finally became beyond economical repair however I have been lurking in the background of the to see whats going on. I now  drive a Insignia Elite  2.0 ltr Bi Turbo diesel and am considering a remap so looking for advice should I just go for a remap done by a specialist or a plug and play tuning box which suppliers claim will give the same gains as a remap any advice would be gratefully received. TIA Tony

Omega General Help / Re: Omega callipers
« on: 15 June 2019, 23:46:14 »
Whatever colour you like I have a black Omega and thought gold look quite fetching

General Discussion Area / Re: Lawnmower simple job not!
« on: 19 May 2019, 21:40:49 »
Success, had to take half the lawnmower to pieces to access it properly.

V8 mod
Made me chuckle  ;D

Having a poke around our telly back in the 70's when I was about 14 to see if I could get it working under instruction from my Dad I discovered what "live chassis " meant got a "hell of a belt" :o :o :o didn't do that again !!!

General Discussion Area / Vapour trail question
« on: 12 May 2019, 21:35:24 »
Hi all this morning I observed two airliners overhead flying a similar course and as far as i could make out the same altitude and at one point they were side by side one was giving out the usual vapour trail but the other one had no trail what so ever got me puzzled.  :-\ anyone shed any light

General Discussion Area / Re: Knife crime tsar
« on: 04 March 2019, 22:56:35 »
Forget about a so called Zsar!

Mrs May has been interviewed today saying there is no correlation between these crimes and police numbers.  Absolute rubbish!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(

She is just protecting her past record as Home Secretary when she cut police numbers.   The Police need another 20,000 officers nationally and until we get those numbers all of us will see ALL crime escalating and crimes going unreported/unactioned.

Police officers are tearing their hair out, if they have any left, fighting to keep us all safe and for justice to be done.

Mrs May now must go for many reasons!!! >:( >:( >:(

Agreed Lizzie

General Discussion Area / Re: Rip off
« on: 02 January 2019, 21:42:10 »
If the insurance gets too much for me to bear, I'll saw one of her legs off so she can't run off and cause an accident.

Maybe not Steve theirs a dog live round the corner from me called Tripod that only has three legs that can run like stink!! :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Rip off
« on: 01 January 2019, 22:09:05 »
As with most dog insurance it is not just the vet bills to consider. Although this is a main consideration a friend of mine didn't take out insurance on there new dog and have had several uninsured dogs before and have  been lucky with no major vets bills however there last dog needed a hip replacement and as a consequence his bank account is now £6,000 lighter. The other thing to consider is third party liability cover.Imagine if your dog got out caused a car crash which resulted in a claim for personal injury and property damage resulting in a huge claim against you. "food for thought".

General Discussion Area / Re: Xmas
« on: 24 December 2018, 20:19:55 »
Wishing every on the forum a very happy Christmas and a great new year  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Heated seats
« on: 24 November 2018, 23:10:53 »
I really like the heat on the back of the seat it helps relieve my back pain but I am not so keen on the fact the base of the seat  tries to cook my arse  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Mobile Phones
« on: 26 October 2018, 19:21:59 »
The penalties for using a mobile whilst driving should be raised 9 points plus mandatory £1,000 fine in Addition the police officer involved should have the right to confiscate and stamp on the phone with his size nine boot. Mobiles nowadays are much more than a means of communication they are to some their lives, these measures may make them think twice before using them whilst driving. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of drivers on the phone sat in very expensive cars when a hands free kit can cost them well less than it costs to fill there fuel tank.

General Discussion Area / Re: Topping conifers
« on: 25 October 2018, 20:27:43 »
Thanks for all the advice peeps good stuff  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Topping conifers
« on: 25 October 2018, 01:03:54 »
Oops!!! posted in wrong section can mods please move to general chat

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