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Topics - robson

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Omega General Help / water pump
« on: 19 July 2013, 09:51:14 »
Does anone have the part no for a Quinton Hazell water pump for a 2.6 2003 saloon Are they ok?

Omega General Help / Cam belt fitters Kent
« on: 07 July 2013, 19:59:01 »
Are there any cam belt experts_fitters in the kent surrey london area.

Omega General Help / Outside door handle
« on: 14 June 2013, 13:58:34 »
I have just fitted a new solenoid to a front door which is operating ok but the outside door handle rod has come away from its location. Can anyone try to explain to me where it goes and what I have to dismantle to do it. The inside handle is working ok. Pictures or drawings would be a big help.

Omega General Help / Rear brake pads
« on: 07 June 2013, 12:26:24 »
03 V6 back brakes   having trouble getting inside pad out is it just try and try again .I believe the pistons are push back rathet than screw back is that right.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / dor locking motor
« on: 18 May 2013, 15:35:54 »
Anyone got a drivers side locking motor for a 2003 v6.

Omega General Help / glossary of abbreviations
« on: 11 February 2013, 09:55:32 »
Is there a list anywhere  of all the abbreviations used on the forum,I sometimes do not have a clue on which part is being discussed

Omega General Help / Brake pad replacement
« on: 13 January 2013, 15:57:53 »
There appears to be a lot of disagreement on whether to open the bleed nipple when pushing brake cylinders back or whether to push them back slowly with nipples closed. After having applied the brakes and then released the pedal surely fluid is flowing back towards the resevoir isnt this the same as pushing the cylinders back although there is obviously a greater volume of fluid being transferred. What are your thoughts as far as seal reversal during pad change.

Omega General Help / winter pack pump
« on: 01 December 2012, 16:34:13 »
Does this run all the time or only when the controls have a certain setting both inlet and outlet on mine heat up very quickly before I get any heat on the top hose . I just wonder if the pump can be stopped to help heating the engine quicker.

Omega General Help / New front brake pads
« on: 19 November 2012, 21:20:34 »
Put new front  pads in today When pumping pedal to spread the pads I found things that might have been there before but never noticed. with no engine running pedal hard and short movement. engine running more movement but felt a bit spongey. Is the extra movement due to servo, abs,or similar.  Engine not running ignition on gear in park a clicking sound from the gear change area ,Auto, when brake applied. Some kind of switch operating? Any comments however rude welcome.  How long to settle in new pads?

Omega General Help / Heater Hoses
« on: 12 November 2012, 15:55:42 »
My heater hoses go to a pump? mounted on the left side  of the engine bay looking from the front these hoses get hot even though I have no heating switched on is this right does this pump?  allow a flow all the time or should it only allow flow when heat is required in cabin.

Omega General Help / V6 thermostat
« on: 28 October 2012, 18:11:08 »
Has anybody tried putting an inline thermostat in the top hose so that a big strip down of the top of the engine is not required or am I talking rubbish

Omega General Help / Cleaning Headlight lenses
« on: 24 October 2012, 19:45:26 »
My lenses are slightly rough on the outside looks like a deposit of some kind any ideas on removal without damage to the lenses which I believe are plastic.

Omega General Help / Brake pads
« on: 11 October 2012, 13:29:07 »
Any viewes on brake pads made by Pagit, Eicher,Bosch.

Omega General Help / Pollen filter
« on: 03 October 2012, 14:25:50 »
 Is the Gm 93165208 the correct  graphite filter for my 2003  2.6?

Omega General Help / Breathers v6 facelift
« on: 26 August 2012, 16:03:53 »
I keep putting this job off but must now get on with it . Can you give me a list of seals and gaskets with part nos if possible that I will need. I assume that if I take the scuttle off I will see where the pipes go, I cant see much with it on. I also assume that an oil change is carried out after the breather cleaning.

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