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Topics - Gaffers

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General Discussion Area / Time to move on
« on: 01 July 2019, 15:49:00 »
I hardly post on here any more due to the tone of some of the subjects and the way there are discussed by some on here.  I am staying away from conflict for one reason or another and I have little time to devote to being a keyboard warrior these days.

I'll leave my account active for those who wish to PM me with their mobile numbers or other means by which one wishes to stay in touch.  I'll close it properly in a few days.  I am still open to curry night (hint hint) :D

I do not want a discussion on this or that reason for my going (such threads are debilitating) so admin please lock this thread as soon as you read it.  I'm not looking for anything, or looking to spark a discussion about this or that so any thread searching for such would be futile.

Good luck everyone, see you anon.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Free: set of PFL wheels
« on: 05 June 2019, 10:57:34 »
I am having a clearout and I have a set of PFL wheels in usable condition.  One is missing the centre plastic but it is purely aesthetic.  They have tyres on them but they are old and I wouldn't trust them.

Free, collection only.

General Car Chat / Today I found out...
« on: 15 May 2019, 14:31:38 »
..what happens when a Corsa skids in to the back of a Ranger in the outside lane of the motorway.

Corsa = shagged (write-off)
Ranger = small scratch on the towball.

 ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Zen BB - thoughts?
« on: 17 April 2019, 13:08:50 »
I have just cancelled my Virgin FTTP contract as they have had numerous opportunities to fix a recurring drop in speed and they rarely hit their promised speed.

I know that some here use Zen (including the OOF servers iirc) and I was looking in to their reviews which suggest a drop in service recently.  What do those who use it think?  Plus I cannot figure out the difference between their Unlimited Fibre 1 & 2 offerings.  I fit is 'truly unlimited' then why should it matter which one I take?

General Discussion Area / Julian Assange
« on: 11 April 2019, 10:50:04 »
Arrested and 'removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy'.

Could be interesting.

General Discussion Area / NAS suggestions
« on: 28 March 2019, 10:27:17 »
I think it is time I got myself another NAS.  My last one, a D-Link 320, was woefully sh!te.  I know there is a fair amount of knowledge on the subject here and I would appreciate a download :y

It will mostly be for a CCTV system so needs to support SMB 2 or 3.
Expandable to at least 4TB
fastethernet preferable.
Not a chinese manufacturer (I find their manuals and implementations woefully inadequate)
Oh, and don't forget I am a stingy Yorshireman at heart so keep the costs down too ;D

Interesting read about tests being conducted with mako shark skin to reduce flow separation.

Also, the fastest car is now a milk float. :D

General Discussion Area / One for TB and Mark
« on: 13 January 2019, 07:43:18 »
Nice 'little' find:

Apparently he is making an RC model to go with it.

General Car Chat / Astra H Cambelt
« on: 30 November 2018, 09:03:42 »
Mrs G has had her astra serviced recently and she always panics when she sees an advisory let alone a 'recommended' or 'urgent' item on the worksheet.  In short she is a garage owner's dream.

The latest thing to pop up is the cambelt and so of course she is breaking my balls about it.  At 122k it sounds about right that it is due.  Sigh.  Anyone with experience of it fancy doing it for me? ;D

General Discussion Area / Extractor fan wiring
« on: 28 November 2018, 15:05:42 »
Seeing as there are some exitable responses on the other electric advice thread I thought I would throw my question in to the hat for your amusement/vitriol/candour :D

I have an in-line ceiling extractor fan wired in to the bathroom.  It's a 21/33W 100mm fan wired up in timer mode on a 3 pole throw switch.  The house is 5 years old so I assume the sparky that installed the house electrics did so to Part P.

I would like to add a second fan because I like extremely hot showers followed by the Army tradition of wet-shaving which requires the use of a mirror.  This is often steamed up so I am exploring the addition of a second additional fan.  I will obviously need a vent on the door to allow the extra air in to replace that which is sucked out but my question is this.  Can I simply wire it in in parallel, i.e. similar to a spur wiring on a socket?  I will acquire an identical fan and wire it the same but not sure on the legalities of this.

General Car Chat / S Type rear suspension
« on: 09 November 2018, 10:57:47 »
One of the last jobs on kitty is to sort out the knocking on the rear suspension.  I suspect that it is probably the shock bushing but I need to get underneath to double-check first.  I didn't notice anything untoward with the wishbones when I was doing the stabiliser bars and drop links last month and the subsequent 4 wheel alignment didn't notice anything wrong there either.  Plus, the s type is known for that bush to wear prematurely.

If I am right I am loath to buy more tools just for this one job.  Any advice from the wider audience?  I think that I could probably contruct a pulling jig with some sockets I have but I am not always right as Mrs G often tells me :D

General Car Chat / Company car advice
« on: 15 October 2018, 17:49:25 »
Right, as kitty is dead I need a new kitty (or similar)

I have had a quick butchers at the company car tax calculators and the rates seem  eye-watering for an XF.  Even the XE was steep.  Dont tell me I'll have to stoop to a BMW  :o

General Discussion Area / TV electrical woes
« on: 22 June 2018, 19:28:47 »
Looks like it's my turn for some electrical shenanigans.  SEG TV bought in Germany 11 years ago, was when full HD was pretty new so I spent quite a bit on it even tax free.  I always bemoaned how I shouldn't have bought german because the bloody thing will last forever so now a year before we move to the US and have to replace most of our electrical devices it decides to go 'arris over apex.

Basically it stays on standby just fine, you can then turn it on and it works perfectly for about 10 minutes at which point it will flicker and die before returning to standby.  Ad nauseum.  The time it stays on is more or less the same every time so I am thinking capacitors rather than a dry solder joint.  As I on the right track?

General Car Chat / My turn for a clutch problem - Astra H
« on: 24 May 2018, 11:24:30 »
So the missus' Astra cluth has been problematic recently with getting in to gear first thing being intermittently difficult.  I noticed the brake/clutch fluid was very old and flushed the entire system.  Some of it was nearly black when it came out.  This resolved the problem but it came back with a vengeance last night.  The missus popped out and the clutch failed entirely, being impossible get in to any gear with the engine running.  I met her and noticed the fluid was at 'low' in the filler reservoir so I started in first and rev-matched it to get home.  Once the reservoir was topped up and the clutch primed a few dozen times the resistance in the pedal came back and it worked again.  I did notice that the pedal get a little spongy after a few minutes if not used, but once a full press and release is performed the resistance returns and all is well again. 

Everything points to a leak but there are no tell-tale marks on the driveway to indicate fluid is escaping.  Therefore it might be the master/operating cylinder.  I have yet to get it up on the ramps to get a decent look underneath but before I do what the thoughts/advice from the learned masses?

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