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Topics - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Ukraine peace deal
« on: Today at 17:32:47 »
Is it going to work?

Got to admire Trump getting on with ( trying) to end the war. Not sure letting Russia back onto the world stage eg G8 is so clever. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

General Car Chat / Running In
« on: 10 February 2025, 07:58:21 »
When I was at school it was still common practice to run a new car in.

“In the days when new cars had to be ‘run in', stickers were common.
To also follow the manufacturers instructions not to exceed 15 mph in the first gear, 25 mph in the second gear and 35 mph in top gear. After 500 miles on the clock you were advised to gradually increase your speed for short periods until reaching 1000 miles.”

When did it stop being a requirement?

I remember vividly , visiting the Opel factory and watching brand new cars being “ tested and driven off the production line”. This basically involved the cars being revved up, rolling road then brakes being sharply applied which catapulted the car forward. Engine screaming and second gear selected before actually leaving the premises in a cloud of ture smoke.

General Discussion Area / Fitbit this makes me smile
« on: 03 February 2025, 19:47:41 »
I had a Fitbit but it developed a fault. A vertical  band of bright light. Couldn’t get rid of it. Plus if you got up in the night and went back to bed it didn’t record the second lot of sleep.

So it went in the general household waste at Scarborough.and I bought an Apple Watch.

Funny thing is I have started receiving weekly and monthly stats for the new owner! Must say they don’t exercise much. ;D You cannot beat recycling!

General Discussion Area / Trump tariffs
« on: 02 February 2025, 09:11:16 »
Well , I take my hat off to him. He says what he is going to do and does it.

What impact will it all have for us in Europe? Increased prices and reduced spending ( reduced growth)? Yes , I know he hasn’t changed Europe/ US tariffs    yet.

The fentanyl angle is interesting. Mexico says their government isn’t supporting the trade ( my words). That seems reasonable . And that the US ought to be tackling the problem on the streets and organised criminal level rather than asking other countries to turn off the supply.

Maybe the whole thing is a bargaining chip to end the Ukraine war. Trump tells China to stop supplying the raw materials for fentanyl, gives them some concessions ( like reduced increased tariffs) and the Chinese tell Putin to desist. Win Win. Except fentanyl will just end up being replaced by a better, more addictive drug……….

You could argue for increased tariffs on Spain not doing enough to stem the horrific volumes of drugs coming ashore each day destined for the European market.

General Discussion Area / Mat Armstrong
« on: 21 January 2025, 07:58:55 »
Don’t normally watch many utube videos.

Yesterday I was a captive audience while an independent one man outfit fixed our “ can’t open boot/broken reversing camera issue”.  It took four hours .

The waiting room had mat Armstrong playing. Quite watchable especially the Aston Martin one. He buys crashed cars and  renovates them and then went on a road trip.  I was impressed at his bravery ? In taking out the dash ( all 50kg) in order to basically replace the passenger airbag. I could see why no one else bid on the Porsche with every panel damaged!

I dare say the differentiator is that he is making his money not from flogging the car at the end but from advertising.

Anyone else watched any of them? What did you think?

General Discussion Area / UGG boots
« on: 19 January 2025, 21:32:25 »
I never cease to be amazed.

My relative runs a pets and garden business. She has started getting phone calls “ I paid for Ugg boots but they haven’t arrived” Don’t sell them. Your website shows them for sale. I have never had a website, I am on Facebook though.

To cut a long story short. There is a website. Includes her contact number , picture of the shop, address of the shop etc. Click on Ugg boots and there is a wide range available. Not cheap either.

Good scam , pay but nothing turns up. No doubt if it gets shut down, they just pick another innocent business and copy across the framework of the website.with a new front business.

General Discussion Area / Trump One
« on: 07 January 2025, 22:14:36 »
One as in many more to come! The entertainment has started.

Gulf of America
NATO members to spend 5% of GDP
Middle East

General Discussion Area / Elon Musk
« on: 06 January 2025, 10:16:59 »
What do you make of the guy?

He is clearly a very clever bloke - a string of successful companies plus his enormous wealth.

I think he has “ been there, done that” and is looking for something else …..Politics.  He isn’t eligible to be the POTUS. So the next best thing is to be power broker eg China and the West.

He has also been dabbling/ interfering in German and UK politics. It isn’t right that he can donate to a party especially not with his enormous wealth. I do however agree with him about Farage isn’t the man to lead Reform. To get the votes of the ordinary man who used to vote Tory needs a more rounded and less “ tainted” person in charge.

Overall , I am not an Elon Musk fan.

General Discussion Area / Von der Leyen
« on: 03 January 2025, 20:52:05 »
Being a conspiracy theorist 1 st class, I immediately thought pneumonia? I bet she has been poisoned by Foreign agents

General Discussion Area / Reward for failure
« on: 31 December 2024, 20:43:04 »
Arise Sir Sadie Khan. Knife crime up, housing targets missed, council tax up 70%

Sir Southgate. £5 million a year and failed to win anything

General Discussion Area / Route help
« on: 16 December 2024, 16:56:54 »
Destination tomorrow is Leicester.

Crossing channel via Eurotunnel arriving uk at 11.00 am

What is the best route please? Up the M1 or M11 taking into account any roadworks .

General Discussion Area / French fuel prices
« on: 15 December 2024, 08:36:59 »
We are in France at the moment in Colmar for the Christmas markets.

Filled up with cheap diesel 1.30 litre before leaving Spain. Had to fill up again yesterday so found a supermarket. Only 1.75  30 euros more for a tankful! . Bargain as the prices on main roads and motorways are much higher.

Presumably due to high taxation. I am guessing your average Frenchman must pay less tax on other things. Certainly day to day food and drink seems to cost more than Spain and maybe Britain.

What do those of you regular travellers to France make of their cost of living?

General Discussion Area / Grey
« on: 14 December 2024, 17:00:18 »
When did grey cars become an object of desire?

Imagine the car sales room and a customer said
“ No, I am not bothered about colour just polish up the primer a bit, has it got CarPlay?

Then back at corporate HQ . “ hey , look how many cars we have sold in primer! Let’s offer primer Matt, primer gloss and primer standard. “

General Discussion Area / you have a pm
« on: 06 December 2024, 22:35:34 »
As title , you have a pm.

I am loading the car on Monday so need to know about the cats

General Car Chat / Cat weigh in
« on: 01 December 2024, 14:23:25 »
I burst into action today and dug up my spare V6 exhausts. Out with the angle grinder and I now have cats to put in car to weigh in in Britain somewhere. The idea is to fill the car with stuff to pay for our upcoming grand tour.

However, far from having 4 worth maybe £400? There are two pattern ones and two original. Of the latter , one looks intact and the other is “ totally empty”!  Might be lucky to get 200!

I have also found a place here that pays a euro a kilo for alloy wheels. So I am set to be a vandal and weigh in 6 x 16 inch Elite mini facelift alloys.

Stuff has got to go, downsizing:………

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