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Messages - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Ukraine peace deal
« on: Today at 17:32:47 »
Is it going to work?

Got to admire Trump getting on with ( trying) to end the war. Not sure letting Russia back onto the world stage eg G8 is so clever. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

General Car Chat / Running In
« on: 10 February 2025, 07:58:21 »
When I was at school it was still common practice to run a new car in.

“In the days when new cars had to be ‘run in', stickers were common.
To also follow the manufacturers instructions not to exceed 15 mph in the first gear, 25 mph in the second gear and 35 mph in top gear. After 500 miles on the clock you were advised to gradually increase your speed for short periods until reaching 1000 miles.”

When did it stop being a requirement?

I remember vividly , visiting the Opel factory and watching brand new cars being “ tested and driven off the production line”. This basically involved the cars being revved up, rolling road then brakes being sharply applied which catapulted the car forward. Engine screaming and second gear selected before actually leaving the premises in a cloud of ture smoke.

General Discussion Area / Re: Bedtime reading for you
« on: 09 February 2025, 22:46:36 »
The ten year old clearly has never been actually really hungry……

General Discussion Area / Re: Chagos Islands
« on: 09 February 2025, 20:57:45 »
We have well and truly lost the plot.

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 08 February 2025, 22:05:30 »
 ;D ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Thinking of getting back into an Omega
« on: 08 February 2025, 20:45:15 »
I have given up working on cars. I am the same age as STEMO and I suspect a bit younger than Lizzie ( so hats off)

I will change my windscreen wipers! Oh and key fob batteries saving 20 quid each)

Bit crap this getting old……..

A word of warning. Spain has been told to put up duty on the devils fuel ( or not get the next tranche of recovery money).

Could the UK follow suit to please whoever?

General Car Chat / Re: I think we should all drive EVs 🤢
« on: 05 February 2025, 22:10:35 »
I go for a piss as soon as I get into Asda, I need it after two hours in the cold with my dog. Loads of fellas come in/out while I'm there, and a good few don't wash their hands. So that's your bananas covered in piss and shit as well. ;D

Mrs V reports the same in lady’s toilets.  It beggars belief but then these are the same folk that smear their arses after a sh1t with a bit of paper and declare bidets are for ponces!

General Discussion Area / Re: Bin Collections
« on: 05 February 2025, 08:23:23 »
Is the idea to get people to create less food and non reciclable waste?

As an aside my adopted country isn’t meeting its recycling targets set by mother in Brussels. So they are seriously considering supermarkets charging deposits on plastic and glass and introducing I store refund machines.

General Discussion Area / Re: Trump tariffs
« on: 04 February 2025, 09:05:38 »
Trump is the playground bully. My dad is bigger ‘a you. My ball etc.  our generation has got used to gentlemanly negotiations behind closed doors and then a public announcement of the outcome.

I think his tactics are effective just as Putins are. No one called Putin when he annexed Crimea. He has jolted Mexico and Canada and Denmark into life to toe his party line. The EU meanwhile continues to function slowly behind closed doors ( just what exactly was agreed yesterday in terms of funding the defence shortfall they all , mostly, agree?)

Musk ?!  :o

General Discussion Area / Fitbit this makes me smile
« on: 03 February 2025, 19:47:41 »
I had a Fitbit but it developed a fault. A vertical  band of bright light. Couldn’t get rid of it. Plus if you got up in the night and went back to bed it didn’t record the second lot of sleep.

So it went in the general household waste at Scarborough.and I bought an Apple Watch.

Funny thing is I have started receiving weekly and monthly stats for the new owner! Must say they don’t exercise much. ;D You cannot beat recycling!

General Discussion Area / Trump tariffs
« on: 02 February 2025, 09:11:16 »
Well , I take my hat off to him. He says what he is going to do and does it.

What impact will it all have for us in Europe? Increased prices and reduced spending ( reduced growth)? Yes , I know he hasn’t changed Europe/ US tariffs    yet.

The fentanyl angle is interesting. Mexico says their government isn’t supporting the trade ( my words). That seems reasonable . And that the US ought to be tackling the problem on the streets and organised criminal level rather than asking other countries to turn off the supply.

Maybe the whole thing is a bargaining chip to end the Ukraine war. Trump tells China to stop supplying the raw materials for fentanyl, gives them some concessions ( like reduced increased tariffs) and the Chinese tell Putin to desist. Win Win. Except fentanyl will just end up being replaced by a better, more addictive drug……….

You could argue for increased tariffs on Spain not doing enough to stem the horrific volumes of drugs coming ashore each day destined for the European market.

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 02 February 2025, 08:46:39 »
If you have been affected by any of the issues in this post help is available.

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 01 February 2025, 14:31:25 »
Michael Baggott 51

Expert on silver especially spoons

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 31 January 2025, 08:43:14 »

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