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Messages - Ossimies

Pages: [1]
Omega General Help / Re: Omega 2.2 Starting issues
« on: 13 January 2025, 13:14:18 »
Issue has once again disappeared for a while, so it is difficult to diagnose. This has been going on every once in a while, always during the winter months. I will post here later once the weather warms up and I dig deeper, if I discover anything new.

Omega General Help / Re: Omega 2.2 Starting issues
« on: 11 January 2025, 11:39:18 »
I investigated the ingnition switch, seemed fine. After that I checked the small cable cable at the battery, connecting to the starter. Fiddling the cable and assistant trying the starter, headlights were coming on randomly. Short while after that that the car started. Checked the cable connections but couldn't find any problems. Connections with multimeter flawless. My guess is that there is a loose/bad relay at the battery box.

Omega General Help / Omega 2.2 Starting issues
« on: 08 January 2025, 12:29:25 »
Hello, I have a standard Opel Omega 2.2 Saloon with Z22XE, 4-speed automatic

My main issue is that the car wont crank. Issue appeared few years ago in wintertime when temperatures below -10C. Battery has power but when turning the key, nothing happens, car wont crank. Issue disappeared briefly for a year after a new battery swap but issue has come back. Battery is ok and charging it doesn't make a difference. No indications that starter would have failed. Maybe grounding issue?

Does anyone have electric diagrams for this enginetype? Ideas how the ignition switch is wired? Any relays to watch out for?

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