Yesterday evening I came across a podcast that I'd saved months ago, and not got round to listening to, so I put it on. It was Eric "Winkle" Brown on desert island discs. I listened to it fascinated. Probably the most accomplished pilot we will ever know, and so much more. Present at the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. On the panel that interrogated Goering and Himmler, amongst others, following the 2nd world war. Survived over 1400 carrier deck landings, 11 aircraft crashes and 1 shipwreck. Pilot of 487 aircraft types. Despite this, a wonderfully modest and endearing man to listen to, in my opinion.
By some coincidence, he passed away today. I've been watching BBC news channel for the last 90 minutes and nothing has been said about this remarkable man. I heard about his passing on an internet forum. It's all about Boris and the EU.

Well, rest in peace, Eric.