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Topics - Kevin Wood

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General Discussion Area / Ruddy MX-5 coil pack
« on: 06 July 2007, 09:18:27 »
SWMBO comes home last night in a very ropey sounding MX-5 complete with eggy smells from the cat and all sorts "That's running as rough as a bear's @rse" thinks I.

"There's something not quite right with my car"

Bit of an understatement. It's running on 2 cylinders. Anyway, a bit of detective work later and it's got a knackered coil pack  >:(

So, time to phone round the motor factors.


General Discussion Area / Ban vehicles over 100MPH?
« on: 04 July 2007, 12:04:56 »

He clearly has a fantastic grasp of the physics of car design!  :o


General Discussion Area / Tool bulk buy
« on: 06 June 2007, 15:09:31 »
Hi Guys,

One of the chaps on the Westfield forum organises an annual bulk buy of tools. Basically, he collects a shedload of orders (last years total was a shade under 60 grand) and has them shipped over. Once they arrive in Harwich, or wherever, they are ferried around the country by volunteers until they get to those who ordered them.

I wondered if anyone would be interested in this year's order. The following are the items he has proposed:

Set of pliers
set of ring spanners
set of open ended spanners
set of combo (ratchets - same as 2006)
impact wrench (same)
Tool box (larger)
3 sets of socket sets (1/4" 3/8" and 1/2")
set of hammers
set of screwdrivers
set of axle stand
set of wheel dollys
engine crane
large capacity compressor
large lathe (like the machine mart item)
MiG welder
set of torque wrenches
lead lights
air tools (1/4", 3/8", 1/4" guns, air riveter, angle grinder, right angle drill)
Dremel type tool
an assortment of sundries like allen keys, punches bearing pullers etc.
Sand blaster
bench grinder
electric drill
bench drill

For more info, the link to the original thread on the WSCC site is Here :;f=1;t=52505;st=0

I had a set of ratchet spanners from the last lot and I'm very happy with them.

I'll keep you updated with progress.


General Discussion Area / More cheap air tools..
« on: 26 June 2007, 11:47:36 »
...this time at Netto on Thursday.

Click on "special offers". 50 Litre compressor for 70 quid and a load of other air tools.

No idea whatsoever what they're like and there's not a Netto within miles of me but it may be useful to someone.


A bit off topic on an Omega forum perhaps but my brother has got a 2001 Astra SXi with the Z18XE engine. It's about time the cam belt was changed and something around the exhaust manifold is blowing. Don't know if it's a cracked manifold or the gasket, broken studs, etc. yet because I haven't had the heatshields off. It quietens down completely when warmed up, sounds like a tractor when cold.

Just wondering if anyone's got any experience with this engine. In particular:

Any gotchas with the cam belt on this engine?
Does anyone have a cam locking kit they would be willing to loan?
Is a waterpump change advised with the cam belt? Does cam belt drive the waterpump?
What's the likely prognosis on the blowing exhaust manifold? As bad as the Omega? (cracked manifold, broken studs, etc?)

Thanks in advance,


General Discussion Area / VXR Track Day
« on: 03 May 2007, 21:15:09 »
Thought this may be of interest to someone.


General Discussion Area / Welders - What should I look for?
« on: 30 April 2007, 21:39:28 »
Well, it looks like the Westfield is off the road for a week that's forecast to be nice and sunny for want of some welding to the exhaust.  :'(

I've often thought I'd like to learn to weld and it would have come in very useful this weekend so I'm thinking about getting a welder and having a go.

I'm just wondering what to get.

I've got some knowledge about the various types of welding but have never tried it. I assume a MIG welder is probably the best all-rounder?

Usage, assuming I get the hang of it, will be for small jobs in steel and the odd bit of stainless (i.e. when my exhaust breaks again).

I'm not looking to do a restoration or anything so it won't need to cope with long sessions of welding and it probably won't need to cope with particularly thick metal.

So, what should I look for in terms of min / max current, duty cycle, etc?

Is it an advantage to be able to work with gasless wire (I assume I want to be able to use gas?)

Are there any pitfalls to just buying a used one off ebay (other than the obvious) or would a new unit be better?

In addition to a welder, some gas, wire, a mask and gloves, oh, and a fire extinguisher, what other bits and pieces will I need to get started?

Any recommendations welcome.



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