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Topics - Kevin Wood

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General Car Chat / Fed up of people tailgating you?
« on: 22 January 2013, 17:23:53 »
I reckon one of these'd make 'em think twice. ;D

Omega General Help / 3.2 Battery size
« on: 16 January 2013, 10:39:07 »
Quick question: Anybody know what size battery fits a 3.2? Hellfrauds site suggests it's an 065, not that I'm prepared to pay their prices. :o

Need one quickly so it'll have to be the motor factors. Just want to double check the fit.

General Car Chat / Halfrauds oil on special
« on: 05 January 2013, 12:07:40 »
Popped into Halfords the other day and they have almost all their oil on special offer.

This includes their Vauxhall / BMW spec. fully synthetic 5w30, for £10 for 4 litres. :y


General Car Chat / MOVED: Aston Villa
« on: 24 December 2012, 15:20:01 »

Omega General Help / Horn button problem in facelift steering wheel?
« on: 14 December 2012, 13:18:02 »
As if it wasn't inconvenient enough having my MOT falling on 2nd January, Went to use the horn today and discovered that one of the buttons in the steering wheel has failed. >:(

Horn still works reliably with the button on the other side. I'm wondering if this constitutes a fail?

Nevertheless, it needs fixing, so I wonder if anyone has had trouble with these before? I can't remember what the horn switches are like, TBH. :-\

General Car Chat / Tragedy!
« on: 09 October 2012, 17:09:16 »
.. or is it?

Bummer. Only 36 of them made by Ferrari. Worth millions apiece. Except Ferrari never made one with a V8 under the bonnet. Should be a Columbo V12. ;D

Count the intake trumpets on the Weber carbs, and observe the nice modern alternator in the front of the Vee. This is a more convincing underbonnet shot:

Still, what's wrong with a dollop of journalistic licence if it sells a few papers? ::)

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