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Topics - Kevin Wood

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Kinda ran out of leccy on the way to work this morning, as described elsewhere :-[, but the OOF network sprang into action and by home time I had a spare alternator at very reasonable cost, and someone to follow me home in case it all went wrong. Elected not to do an alternator change in the rain, and chance it on getting 20 miles home on the battery. Just made it, but it was good to have a few backup plans in case it went wrong, so thanks, guys. :y

General Discussion Area / Bluebird Restoration
« on: 01 October 2012, 16:47:20 »
Talk of XH558's sortie this weekend, and the recent post on the Bloodhound ground speed record attempt reminded me of another project to preserve the relics of what we used to be able to achieve.

An interesting project, and one to watch.

General Car Chat / Last week I 'are mostly been...
« on: 09 September 2012, 21:41:22 »
.. blatting round Scotland with some friends.. old and new, in cars mostly "Inspired by the Lotus 7".

Met up on Monday morning outside the riverside transport museum in Glasgow.

.. to find one of the clan has a new toy... LS1 engined RX-7  :-*

He kept that quiet.

.. saw some nice places ...

Stayed at some nice hotels.. Notice the magnetic effect of that RX7's underbonnet porn.

Drove on some lovely roads, sadly too busy shuffling the steering from lock to lock to take any pictures of that. ::)

2,000 miles covered (500 of them yesterday afternoon on the way home). Car didn't miss a beat. Found the rev limiter.. er.. once or twice.  :-[ I wonder if the bottom end will take more than the current 7400?

The entire distance was achieved without the use of the (not very waterproof) soft top, too. :y

General Car Chat / MOVED: MAF Fitted
« on: 31 August 2012, 13:58:45 »

General Discussion Area / Raspberry Pi
« on: 29 June 2012, 16:36:05 »
Postman just turned up with mine. :D

First post on OOF using one?

General Car Chat / World's worst car?
« on: 25 June 2012, 13:29:00 »
The melding of two eras of sh1te car design from our cousins across the pond. Could well be the world's worst IMHO? :o

I bet the manufacturers of Isopon are happy with it. ;D

General Car Chat / More car porn
« on: 12 June 2012, 16:20:29 »
Courtesy of one of my kit car mates... :-*

General Discussion Area / The crocs have surfaced!
« on: 26 May 2012, 01:07:08 »
Spotted on my local freecycle group:

Child's size 10 pink crocs (NOT GENUINE!). These have been well used but
still have life left for kicking around in this fabulous weather.

I must admit, I didn't have Loo Knee down as a child's size 10. Maybe they have shrunk? :D

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