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Topics - Kevin Wood

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General Discussion Area / This made me laugh..
« on: 03 May 2012, 10:13:10 »

I'll be putting an order in later... ::)


Omega General Help / MOVED: FURIOUS!
« on: 19 April 2012, 23:45:48 »

Omega General Help / MOVED: No. Just, No
« on: 19 April 2012, 23:45:05 »

General Discussion Area / This weekend I will be mostly...
« on: 02 March 2012, 13:59:06 »
Witnessing what other blokes' wives moan about cluttering up the living room. ;D

My cousin is exhibiting his setup, and I'm going along to help, and have a look round, of course.

EDIT: Oh, and have a huge curry and beer session the night before with a load of geeks, obviously. :D

Anyone else up to anything interesting?

General Discussion Area / Sometimes it pays to Please read the manual
« on: 29 February 2012, 14:03:42 »
I know it's hard to even open a packet of peanuts without getting deluged in warnings these days, but, for some substances, it does pay to read them. :o

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