General Discussion Area / Re: Typical...
« on: 02 January 2025, 12:15:35 »
Vaillant engineer just called – PCB dead. Now replaced and all is good! 
House defrosting...

House defrosting...

Welcome to OOF
There is a way to get trouble codes on my Vailiant boiler. Involves pressing front panel buttons. Google your boiler model number and something may appear..
It's a Vaillant Ecotec Plus 837. Display should be automatically showing, I think.
In which case, it should show an 'F' code, which you can decyper on t'interweb.
Then once you know what it's whinging about, there should be an engineering screen that you can enter by pressing various combinations of buttons. Once in the engineering screen you can scroll through various parameters to see if they make sense.
There is a way to get trouble codes on my Vailiant boiler. Involves pressing front panel buttons. Google your boiler model number and something may appear..
And an anti-muslim supporter of AfD. Go figure.
All of that is true, Albs, but we can't change the result of a general election like some banana republic. We're stuck with them, and it's just a case of trying to play them at their own game by undermining their authority.
We are are now considered dinosaurs, and I take a kind of evil delight reminding the Labour voters around here that they deserve everything they get. How do you think ex-miners feel about all the woke shite that 'their' party is enacting? Not good, I can tell you. But they, too, are dinosaurs.
Plus, they could argue, in relation to tax, they said they wouldn't raise income tax, NI or VAT for workers. They haven't, although they might as well have.
Bitching gets us nowhere, I thought you may have been around long enough to realise that too. It's up to each of us make the best we can from what's available, moaning is counter productive.
That's the way democracy works in this country, suck it up. And let's face it, the Tories were a shit show.
This one's getting a lot of signatures very quickly!