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Messages - Migalot

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 54
General Discussion Area / Re: Typical...
« on: 02 January 2025, 12:15:35 »
Vaillant engineer just called – PCB dead. Now replaced and all is good!  :y

House defrosting... ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Typical...
« on: 31 December 2024, 22:03:30 »
There is a way to get trouble codes on my Vailiant boiler. Involves pressing front panel buttons. Google your boiler model number and something may appear.

It's a Vaillant Ecotec Plus 837. Display should be automatically showing, I think.

In which case, it should show an 'F' code, which you can decyper on t'interweb.

Then once you know what it's whinging about, there should be an engineering screen that you can enter by pressing various combinations of buttons. Once in the engineering screen you can scroll through various parameters to see if they make sense.

Screen is completely blank. Not lit. Pressing buttons does nothing.

General Discussion Area / Re: Typical...
« on: 31 December 2024, 21:12:34 »
There is a way to get trouble codes on my Vailiant boiler. Involves pressing front panel buttons. Google your boiler model number and something may appear.

It's a Vaillant Ecotec Plus 837. Display should be automatically showing, I think.

General Discussion Area / Typical...
« on: 31 December 2024, 20:24:10 »
Vaillant boiler decides to stop working on New Year's Eve. Regularly serviced (last time 07 June 2024).

No display, but pump sounds.

No chance of an engineer until at least Thursday.

Not a happy bunny.... :(

General Discussion Area / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: 25 December 2024, 10:10:59 »
Merry Christmas to one and all. :y

And an anti-muslim supporter of AfD. Go figure.

Head-spin time.   :o

Many mown down by car, reportedly driven by a Saudi-born person.

War on Christianity.  :( ;(

General Discussion Area / Re: At last
« on: 20 December 2024, 13:57:41 »
About time. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Jag goes woke...and broke?
« on: 27 November 2024, 12:34:08 »
Jaguar are buying back nearly 3000 EVs, as they cannot fix over-heating batteries!  ::)
Vauxhall is closing its van-making Luton factory and shifting to Ellesmere Port. Job losses, obviously.  ::)
Northvolt (Swedish company) a main supplier of EV batteries is filing for bankruptcy.  ::)

Lots of other news on MGUY's site:  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Petition For A General Election
« on: 26 November 2024, 21:33:21 »
All of that is true, Albs, but we can't change the result of a general election like some banana republic. We're stuck with them, and it's just a case of trying to play them at their own game by undermining their authority.
We are are now considered dinosaurs, and I take a kind of evil delight reminding the Labour voters around here that they deserve everything they get. How do you think ex-miners feel about all the woke shite that 'their' party is enacting? Not good, I can tell you. But they, too, are dinosaurs.

We ARE a banana republic already. Democracy, like free speech, is dead – or at least on life-support. As for undermining their authority, well good luck with that!

General Discussion Area / Re: Petition For A General Election
« on: 26 November 2024, 20:37:11 »
Plus, they could argue, in relation to tax, they said they wouldn't raise income tax, NI or VAT for workers. They haven't, although they might as well have.
Bitching gets us nowhere, I thought you may have been around long enough to realise that too. It's up to each of us make the best we can from what's available, moaning is counter productive.

It's getting so scary now, that bitching and moaning aren't enough.  >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Petition For A General Election
« on: 26 November 2024, 19:58:09 »
That's the way democracy works in this country, suck it up. And let's face it, the Tories were a shit show.

 ;D ;D

If a government is elected on a set manifesto, then ignores it, that ain't a democracy!!

Besides which, without PR (which we desperately need, IMHO), this horrid lot would never have got such a majority in the HoC.

Those saying we should just "suck it up" should consider what the UK will be like by 2029. It'll be beyond saving. >:( >:(   

We need to express out displeasure now!

General Discussion Area / Re: Jag goes woke...and broke?
« on: 23 November 2024, 20:02:16 »
Apparently, Rawdon Glover (Jaguar's MD) has said that reaction to the campaign has featured "vile and hateful intolerance".

 ::) ::)

When in a hole, stop digging...

General Discussion Area / Re: Petition For A General Election
« on: 23 November 2024, 19:52:02 »

General Discussion Area / Jag goes woke...and broke?
« on: 19 November 2024, 22:56:37 »
Oh, Lord.

Jaguar goes woke!  >:(

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