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Topics - Migalot

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
General Discussion Area / Typical...
« on: 31 December 2024, 20:24:10 »
Vaillant boiler decides to stop working on New Year's Eve. Regularly serviced (last time 07 June 2024).

No display, but pump sounds.

No chance of an engineer until at least Thursday.

Not a happy bunny.... :(

Many mown down by car, reportedly driven by a Saudi-born person.

War on Christianity.  :( ;(

General Discussion Area / Jag goes woke...and broke?
« on: 19 November 2024, 22:56:37 »
Oh, Lord.

Jaguar goes woke!  >:(

General Discussion Area / Farmers protest
« on: 19 November 2024, 16:18:09 »
Magnificent turnout. :y

How can we rid ourselves of this horrid government?  >:(

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Exaust center section
« on: 16 October 2024, 14:33:01 »
Special offer!
V6 2.6/3.2 driver's side centre section. Brand new. Free!
Collection from North London only
Please PM me if interested. :y 

Omega General Help / Exhaust centre section
« on: 09 October 2024, 21:45:33 »
I meant to mention that about three or four months ago, I purchased new two centre boxes for my 2.6V6. When the package arrived (from Poland), I dutifully took the boxes to my mechanic friend to have them fitted, only to find (after the old system had been removed) that they had sent me two driver's sides!!. The mechanic was able to put the old passenger's side box on, so I could get home and make the necessary demand from the seller to send me a new passenger's side one. A few weeks' later it duly arrived and I had it fitted. The seller told me he would arrange collection of the surplus driver's side box. Needless to say, that despite text messages, I've heard nowt.

Today, I sent him a text, saying that unless i hear from him in the next few days, I shall dispose of the drivers' side box, as it is taking up too much room in my shed. The upshot of this is that I may well be giving away a centre box in the near future (collection only!).   

Omega General Help / Vented rear discs
« on: 09 October 2024, 18:33:10 »
Are all Omega variants fitted as standard with vented discs at the rear?

TIA :y

General Discussion Area / Trouble ahead. No electricity?
« on: 06 October 2024, 16:58:06 »
This is truly worrying, but no-one seems to know about it. >:( >:(

"UK Electricity is being rationed. If you were given a ration book, you’d understand."

General Car Chat / Abandoned cars
« on: 23 August 2024, 13:06:29 »
This is stunning. How can these cars be abandoned like this? Look at that Jag XJS, 7K and an amazing number plate!  :o

General Discussion Area / Who voted for this?
« on: 22 August 2024, 16:40:18 »
According to the poll on here before the GE, three OOF members said they were going to vote Labour. I hope they are suitably remorseful.

Can you believe Starmer will bring this in?  :(

..and before people start going on about Geoff, remember that he is basically quoting from the Telegraph.

Omega General Help / Driver's door actuator - again!
« on: 25 June 2024, 16:10:42 »
I must be on my 3rd or 4th door actuator. Always the driver's door. The others are over 20 years old and never failed (touch wood!). No, it's ALWAYS the driver's door and I hate removing the card.
Grrr!  >:(

Omega General Help / Steering box leak
« on: 21 May 2024, 15:54:08 »
Just failed an MoT due (aside from a bit of welding to do by OSF jacking point) to steering box leak.

Why would a steering box leak? Are there seals that go? Do i need a new or recon box? Big job?

Not a happy bunny.  :'(

General Discussion Area / Auroras this weekend?
« on: 09 May 2024, 22:17:06 »
SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Giant sunspot AR3664 has now hurled at least four CMEs directly toward Earth. Their combined arrival this weekend could spark severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storms with mid- to low-latitude auroras. Although this is a potentially significant space weather event, it is not going to be the next Carrington Event. If the coming storm were a hurricane, it would be ranked category 4, not category 5.

Sunspot AR3664 has grown so large, it now rivals the great Carrington sunspot of 1859. Carrington's sunspot is famous because in August and Sept. 1859 it emitted a series of intense solar flares and CMEs. The resulting geomagnetic storms set fire to telegraph offices and sparked auroras from Cuba to Hawaii. The "Carrington Event" has since become a touchstone of space weather in pop culture, with recent headlines stoking fears of an "internet apocalypse" if it repeats.

 :o :o


General Car Chat / Wet belts
« on: 19 April 2024, 23:06:33 »
Amazing what one can learn by idly watching the latest car-related videos on YouTube.

I had never come across the "wet belt" term before, but apparently it refers to the engine design in which the timing belt (rubber) is part of the internal engine, not on pulleys outside. The belt goes round through the oil in the sump. Consequently, they degrade and trash the engine. Apparently, this feature is common in Fords, Citroens and now Vauxhalls, too.

Unsurprisingly, it costs a grand to have the belt changed in a Transit and the recommended mileage interval has been reduced. Furthermore, you are obliged to use a specific Ford oil. If you don't, or can't prove it, and the belt goes the you have no recourse even if the vehicle is under warranty.

Think I'll stick with my exterior-belted Omega (always changed within the 4-year limit).  :y


General Car Chat / The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 11 March 2024, 22:41:57 »
Perhaps the future is not electric, but improved internal combustion. Ford and Toyota think so. :y

Interesting stuff.

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