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Topics - Migalot

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General Discussion Area / British Army’s Race Action Plan
« on: 11 February 2024, 13:58:50 »
The plan acknowledges that security clearance vetting is a significant barrier for non-UK personnel seeking commissions in the Army, particularly for roles in intelligence and officer positions with "uncontrolled access to secret assets." To boost representation, the plan aims to "challenge security clearance requirements."

We're screwed. >:(

General Car Chat / New EU directive – no old car repairs?
« on: 08 February 2024, 13:18:43 »
Geoff Buys Cars reveals more WEF shenanigans:

Goodbye to the classic car market?

When will people wake up, FFS?  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Not a surprise...
« on: 31 January 2024, 12:10:56 »

General Discussion Area / January 6th pipe bomb questions
« on: 19 January 2024, 18:58:58 »
Absolutely fascinating. I'm beginning to think the US is thoroughly bent at the top.

This is not the full video (only available at Tucker's site), but is very revealing. :o


Omega General Help / Suspension issue?
« on: 28 December 2023, 17:44:19 »
Nothing too alarming, but I've noticed that when braking from speed, the steering feels slightly wayward. In addition, I noticed recently (when stuck in traffic) that even at slow rolling speed when I lift off the brake, the steering wheel moves a degree or two to the left. If I apply the brakes again (when hardly moving at all) and lift off, it's creates a further degree or two move to the left.

Putting my thinking cap on, I wonder if it's worn-out wishbone bushes?

Anyone have any better ideas?  ???

General Discussion Area / Merry Christmas
« on: 24 December 2023, 20:51:15 »
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all on OOF a very Merry Christmas. :)

I sincerely hope that you all enjoy the break, in whatever form it may take. :y

General Discussion Area / Leaking AA battery
« on: 18 December 2023, 14:33:47 »
SWMBO found a metal torch (like a Maglite) in the house. The bulb lit, but was very dim.

She tried to take the batteries out, but the end cap would not budge.

Enter Migalot! "I'll sort that out".

Using mole grips and a Stillson, I was finally able to get access to the batteries, but they were all covered in that white powder associated with a leakage.

Obviously, despite cleaning as best I could (what "dissolves" that leakage sediment?), the batteries won't budge from the main tube. I thought about putting a screw into the battery base and having a good heave. Now, I know that obviously that shouldn't be attempted on a lithium battery, but is it totally safe on a regular AA battery?  :-\

General Discussion Area / Selling out UK security to the globalists?
« on: 13 December 2023, 12:05:59 »
Excellent interview with Jim Ferguson. :y

I was always happy to support an EU which was solely interested in trade and free movement. As soon as it became deeply political, I had worries so that's why I voted for Brexit. Seems my fears are coming true, but Brexit may not stop it.

General Discussion Area / They are coming for your car...
« on: 01 December 2023, 13:10:58 »
This scary stuff. >:( >:(

When are we going to rise up against this dystopian future?

General Discussion Area / The state of the NHS
« on: 27 November 2023, 20:50:14 »
This morning I discovered that an elderly neighbour of mine had suffered a heart attack yesterday evening Sunday.

She lives alone but was able to call a family member, who then phoned for an ambulance and was quoted a four-hour delay.  >:(

Her son drove to her home with the intention of taking her to hospital by car but it was too painful for her to get into it. Fortunately, the ambulance then finally turned up.

Apparently, it was not too severe, but she has a chest infection too. They told her relatives she would be moved into a ward, but this morning was still on a trolley...

Didn't a politician say, not too long ago, that NHS was the "envy of the world"?   ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Landline woes now!
« on: 24 November 2023, 21:16:20 »
When I recently finished my BT broadband contract (as I now have FTTP with the Swedish mob), I made the necessary phone call and the chap was very helpful. I have since received the usual bag to return the hub etc.

He asked me if there was anything else I could help with. I said that with the upcoming migration to digital landlines, will I be able to keep the same number? Of course, he said. I'll send you a gizmo into which you plug your existing home phone and away you go.

None the wiser of the technical ins-and-outs, I said "Great!".

The gizmo duly arrived and I have been receiving texts saying that they are setting up (and have now set up) my broadband – presumably for the phone.

The problem, however, is that the gizmo, a digital voice adaptor, only works with the BT hub which has been replaced by the Swedish-supplied Icotera hub.

Methinks I was misled. >:( ::)

General Discussion Area / Three Mobile
« on: 23 November 2023, 18:22:50 »
A few months ago, Three decided in their wisdom to "upgrade" their My3 website/App.

This means that every customer has to register their phone number with an email address. I have three phones (self, wife, daughter) which all used to be registered to my own email address.

A few weeks ago, I needed to adjust my daughter's phone package, so I had to go through the registration process with her number and I used my email address.

Today I decided to amend my own package, so I went to My3 and popped in my number. Said it was already used. Turns out each phone needs a different email address. I have a spare, so I tried to register with that – only to find that it could not be accepted as it needs the original email associated with my phone and, of course that is registered with my daughter's phone.

No chance of speaking to a human, of course and, it seems from the 3 Community forum that I am not alone in being thoroughly disappointed with the company and likely to leave (my contract is up anyway).

Why can't companies act in their customers' best interests instead of just pi**ing them off? Are they that arrogant/stupid?  >:( >:(


General Discussion Area / TV woes
« on: 18 November 2023, 16:12:41 »
I have a BT box and when I stopped BT (as I have a fast FTTP provided by a Swedish company), they assured me that I could still use their box for NOW TV, though which App, my daughter and I can watch F1.

Yesterday, I switched on my Samsung 48" TV and the BT box. I scrolled through to the NOW TV App and selected the F1. Up comes the message "Sorry, but you cannot watch this content in your country". WTF? I am signed in OK on the App.

I go on my PC and watch the content. My daughter can watch on her phone. My house has CAT6 ethernet throughout. The odd thing is that my PC has a different ISP to the TV (obtained automatically and refreshed just now).

Can anyone figure out what's going on?   ???


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Radio on, no sound
« on: 01 November 2023, 16:48:01 »
As per subject.

Radio is on, all preselected stations there, but no sound from the speakers. Neither volume control on radio or on steering wheel have any effect. I thought it might be a fuse, but looking through the handbook, I can see no mention of one for the speaker/amp circuit.

Help please! 

General Discussion Area / Samsung phone help
« on: 23 October 2023, 14:26:53 »
I have a Samsung Galaxy S20FE.
Two of my contacts, irritatingly, don't have WhatsApp so I can only communicate with them using the standard Messages app. If I need to send them a picture (as i did this morning), it always fails to send. I have cleared the cache, turned off Wi-Fi and switched on "Use mobile data", but it still won't send a photo. >:(
Anyone got a solution?


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