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Topics - Migalot

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General Discussion Area / I despair of our judiciary
« on: 17 February 2023, 17:24:06 »
Just Stop Oil activists were told they should feel “proud” as they avoided jail time for blocking the Esso Fuel Terminal in Birmingham last April.


General Discussion Area / FTTP
« on: 10 February 2023, 15:54:58 »
After a long wait, Open Infra (Swedish company) have today provided me with Fibre To The Property (FTTP).   

Last night, my BT speeds were 31.89Mps Download and 5.72Mps Upload.

Now with the newly-connected Nokia router, the figures are 492Mps D/L and 497Mps U/L.

Happy times.  :y

Omega General Help / Lambda sensor issues
« on: 31 December 2022, 12:07:42 »
Some months ago, I had issues with a warning light telling me that there was a fault in the O2 sensor circuit (Bank 2,Sensor1). I had a new Bosch sensor fitted and all seemed well – until last night when the light came on again. I completed my long journey to Oxford and back and the car ran perfectly, despite the light.
This morning, I ran the OBD reader again: 

P0150-08 - O2 sensor circuit malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1). Status:Present
P0173-03 - Unknown Error. Status:NotDetected
P0150-07 - O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1). Status:NotDetected
P0173-09 - Fuel trim malfunction (Bank 2). Status:Present

I cleared the codes and restarted the car and the light is currently out.

Any thoughts?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / MID gremlins
« on: 15 December 2022, 17:33:17 »
I normally keep the MID on 'Outside Temp'. Today it was fine when I started the car and then during the journey it changed to 'Trip Cons.'. I tried to change it back using the stalk, but no reaction. When I got back in the car later, it had reverted to 'Outside Temp'. On the way back home it changed again to 'Trip Cons'. After stopping and switching off, I tried changing using the stalk, but it would not change.

Stalk or MID fault?   ??? 

General Discussion Area / Utter lunacy
« on: 05 December 2022, 12:44:00 »
Oxfordshire County Council passes climate lockdown 'trial' to begin in 2024. A sign of our future across the country?

General Discussion Area / UPS installed
« on: 30 November 2022, 13:28:41 »
Given the increasing likelihood of power cuts, I have just installed two UPS units: One for the office computer (I work from home) and one for the downstairs router.

This means that, in the event of an outage, I should get about 10-20 minutes or so to save my work and shut down the PC safely and several hours for the router, so I will still have internet for the phone WiFi.

Job done!  :y

General Discussion Area / US hegemony
« on: 30 August 2022, 19:32:18 »
I found this so informative, that I thought others may want to view. It's 22 minutes long, but very much worth a watch, IMHO:  :y

Omega General Help / Indicator stalk
« on: 27 August 2022, 19:30:15 »
A couple of years back, I bought a new indicator stalk (from eBay, IIRC) as my existing one showing signs of wear (decals worn off and gone shiny). I decided to fit it today. Dead easy job, but then I found that the self-cancelling function doesn't work. I refitted it, but it still doesn't work. >:(

Which is more likely? A faulty new item or I bu**ered something on first fitting. I'll refit the old one tomorrow, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

Omega General Help / Aircon panel
« on: 23 August 2022, 13:39:18 »
I've acquire a very good condition aircon control panel to replace my currently-manky one.

Question I have is how do I remove the old one? I've tried prying it out without success and don't want to use too much brute force.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

Call me names, call me a conspiracy theorist, call me any name you want, but I believe what Katie Hopkins (like her or loathe her) says here. Easy to blame the pandemic, staffing, or Brexit, but people need to join the dots. That's my opinion, anyway.

General Discussion Area / WEF
« on: 13 August 2022, 10:38:27 »
Just wondering how many on here are aware of the World Economic Forum (behind the annual Davos meeting) – that globalist organisation led by Klaus Schwab that claims that by 2030, "You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” The Great Reset.

It wants to cut meat from our diets and promotes eating of bugs to "save the climate". It believes that private car ownership should be banned. Worst of all, Yuval Harari, an advisor to Schwab this week stated we simply “don’t need the vast majority of the population,” and called for human beings to be replaced by machines whenever possible, saying that beyond producing data, people are just no longer “useful” to the global elite and their agenda.

Now you may think this is all tin-foil hat stuff, but Schawb has boasted about infiltrating many western governments. So who are members of the WEF? Well, a long list includes Truss, Johnson, Sunak, Trudeau, Zelensky, Ardern (NZ), Rutte (NL) and even the Finnish PM.

Among those who have publicly denounced globalism are Trump and Putin. Both of whom are targets for the elite.

None of this, of course, is reported on the BBC, ITV, SKY etc. Most folk will be happy watching Strictly and ignore what's going on in the shadows. ::) ::)   

Test Zone / Admin Test
« on: 19 July 2022, 07:39:33 »
Testing 123

General Car Chat / The Law of Unintended Consequences
« on: 27 June 2022, 13:43:27 »
So the government pushes everyone to buy an EV, then realises that it might be problem.  ::) ::)
UK Government to shut down peak hours EV charging... will you opt out? 

General Discussion Area / Keeping the house cooler
« on: 17 June 2022, 16:05:35 »
Funny how people throw their windows open on a hot day. ::)

Trick is to close the curtains/blinds on the sun-facing side and keep all window and doors closed.

A short while ago it was 32c outside and only 24c inside my home. Not great, but bearable. :y

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