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Topics - Migalot

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General Discussion Area / Please, not Clinton
« on: 30 July 2016, 20:56:50 »
So, if true, then mad Hillary – if elected – wants to start a new war in Syria. Against Russia?

She truly is a dangerous lunatic. >:(

Makes The Donald look like a pacifist.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Any avian experts on here?
« on: 25 July 2016, 20:03:52 »
Saw this huge bird circling around my house this afternoon and used my new camera to take a picture. Any idea what it is?

As per the post title, how do I access this sensor?

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion Area / Disappointed daughter
« on: 02 June 2016, 15:19:25 »
My daughter really wants this, but I flatly refused as money is a bit tight this month.  ;)

General Discussion Area / F1 Sky only from 2019
« on: 24 March 2016, 13:06:05 »
Well cricket and boxing got killed off, so why not F1?

Reading the comments of fans on various websites, they are very angry indeed (with Ecclestone as well as Sky).

Me, too. >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / No more Skype on Smart TV
« on: 08 March 2016, 12:06:14 »
I have a Samsung smart TV and bought a camera at Christmas so that we could Skype family members.

Samsung have just announced that as of 2 June, the Skype service will no longer be available. Apparently, Skype is now owned by Microsoft and they do not want to continue support for TVs.

I am beginning to hate Microsoft with a passion.  >:(

General Discussion Area / Live Maho Beach Cam
« on: 26 February 2016, 16:08:13 »

A cool site started today.

Just watched a KLM 747 land over the beach. :y

General Discussion Area / Ed Force One
« on: 24 February 2016, 19:47:35 »
Have to admire Bruce Dickinson's abilities!  :y

General Discussion Area / Tampon tax
« on: 28 October 2015, 20:00:28 »
I have been bombarded with media stories about this dreadful sexist tax. Even my local newspaper's headline is about the local Tory MPs who voted against in yesterday's Commons motion.

Now, my first thought was "Yes, all women need them, so they're not a luxury, so maybe they should be zero-rated".

Then I discovered that we cannot have a lower rate than the existing 5%, without negotiating with Brussels and getting the agreement of all 28 member states. Well, I think we should be out of the EU anyway, so we can set our own tax rates...but that's another subject.

Then, not being female myself (and thus having little knowledge of such things as tampons), I wondered how much women pay for these things.

It turns out that the average woman uses around 240 tampons each year, roughly priced at £1.89 for 32 Regular. This means that her annual spend would be around £15.

Her annual VAT payment on tampons would therefore be, wait for it....75p!

And to think that I thought it was serious issue.  ::) ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / Diesel vs Petrol
« on: 23 October 2015, 11:02:42 »
From my other post, folks will know that I am looking at Jags etc. My concern is that most of the Jaguar range is now diesel (and I think the same can be said about many other manufacturers).

I know that modern diesels are very frugal with fuel and often as powerful, if not more so, than their petrol equivalents. Also, they have (thanks to muddled government thinking) much lower VED rates, especially for the larger engines.

However. I don't like them very much. I don't have any issues with CO2 (it's not toxic and plants love it), but I do have issues with diesel particulates and NO2 emissions.  :(

How do others stand on this issue?     

General Discussion Area / Jaguar XF
« on: 22 October 2015, 21:43:13 »
Been having a lot of problems with my Omega recently. I've really loved this 2.6 and its 2.5 predecessor, but sooner or later, I need to think about something newer.

I've been toying with the idea of a used XF as I really like the styling. Does anyone on here own one?  ???   

Omega General Help / Coolant issue
« on: 22 October 2015, 10:09:28 »
The car went in to have the starter motor replaced as I was having intermittent issues with it. When the mechanic got to it, he found it was wet with coolant. He has replaced the HBV (at my request) and all seemed fine until he switched the engine off and coolant started dripping again. He can't locate the leak at all and says it's not worth putting the new starter on (he has a point!). :( :(

If it's not the HBV, what can it be?   

Omega General Help / Starter motor earth
« on: 07 October 2015, 22:53:55 »
Quick question:

Is it possible to check/clean the starter motor earth connection on a 2.6 V6 from under the car? I know that actual replacement of the motor (hope that doesn't apply) requires going from the top-down, undoing the engine mountings etc., but I initially just want to check the connection for corrosion etc.

Thanks in advance. :y

General Discussion Area / Don't trust GPS
« on: 02 October 2015, 16:26:26 »

General Discussion Area / Fluent American...
« on: 08 September 2015, 22:13:02 »
Don't make fun of her. She speaks fluent American

 ;D ;D ;D

Rather sad if it's genuine...

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