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Messages - Lizzie Zoom

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General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: Today at 13:19:43 »
I have just received the two Ridex parts, nearside and offside, rod assemblies from Autodoc.  That is just 4 days since I placed the order, which is very good considering they were from Berlin, Germany and at just £41 all in.

Next week they are being fitted for £125, including tracking, by Protyre who I often use in Ashford. :D :D ;) :y

Certainly cheaper all in than the quote from the Vx dealer of £319.80, and that only included the offside track rod end!!  ::) ::)

 :D ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Omega milestone.
« on: Yesterday at 13:53:08 »
[quot ;)=Migv6 le Frog Fan link=topic=151430.msg2051135#msg2051135 date=1739354811]
On the M11 yesterday going down that London, the old girl passed the 200,000 mile mark.
Still drives pretty much like a new one.  :)

Nice one!  :y :y

I read the other day on a web site there are just 893 Vx Omegas still taxed and MOT'd left on UK roads.  So ours are survivors! :D :D

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 11 February 2025, 19:51:04 »
You totally ignored all the replies on the compatibility.

They're the same for saloon and estates all the way from the 2.0 8v through to the full fat 2.5 TDs and 3.2. I would wager that hearse and Limo use the same too.

Now you want to save a couple of quid :D

I hope the autodoc ones turn up and are for both sides rather than 2 lefthand ones., but if they don't it's going to be much more hassle than popping to Sittingbourne.👍

Also don't forget that free postage has a value... The item price isn't always theprice ;)

The important thing is you're not being totally ripped off by somebody you owe zero loyalty to.

I note your comments DG, but when a web site for a car parts company that I research tells me the parts I am looking for are not suitable for my particular car that I have put full details of in the search, I take notice.  I would be stupid not to and argue with them.  I am not ignoring the comments on the OOF about compatibility, but when the potential supplier states the parts do not fit my Omega, I have to take notice.  I know with Autodoc that their specific confirmation that their product fits my car can be relied upon, and gives me a right of return. The company on eBay that you noted states clearly the parts mentioned do not fit my car. End of as far as I am concerned. Autodoc has given me the option of guaranteed correct parts, from a good manufacture, at a very competitive price.

In addition, Autodoc I have found to be a great supplier for the Omega parts I need. Their service is always great, with the right parts supplied at a very competitive price, as in the case of the product I have ordered, and delivered in good time. The postage of £8.45 for the complete delivery is also very acceptable, especially when I take into account the saving on the product itself. I am still saving money overall, with a great service company, that guarantees the parts are correct for my car, and come from the very European countries, such as Germany, that built the Omega. 

Autodoc is a big parts company that I have no loyalty with, but know they do not rip people off as my many purchases prove. But any company can let you down, true, although so far this organisation has not.

As I said, thanks DG for your input :y :y

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 11 February 2025, 18:27:32 »
Buy the two I linked to. They're local to you and if there's any issues they'll be easy to sort.

Thanks DG, but I have ordered them already from Autodoc for a cheaper price.  In addition, the ones you note are apparently not suitable for my vehicle.  The ones that do from that supplier are also £37+ each.  But many thanks anyway for your input :y :y

General Car Chat / Re: Running In
« on: 11 February 2025, 13:12:18 »
I have just recalled that in about 1973 one of my young colleagues collected his brand new Ford Escorts Mk1, the same as I had as it was the standard issue to us juniors.

He apparently went on, I think the M1, and hammered it for many miles, ignoring the usual running in period then common to all new cars.  At the end of which the engine was wrecked!! :o :o :o

He just about kept his job as the managers gave him the benefit of being young..................................stupid, wreckless, and many other expletives!! ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 11 February 2025, 13:02:29 »
i cant see the takes me to an advert !
but yes if you have got the whole assembly then thats easier for whoever fits it . sorry if i confused the issue !   just (like many others)was disgusted by the initial price you were quoted !
hopefully all will be ok when done and dusted.

These are the links again that should show the product:

 ;) ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 11 February 2025, 12:59:54 »
You were just helping as were we all👍

Yes, agreed.  Cam in head certainly helped me to focus on what was needed, so many thanks to him and all the others who offered practical advice :-* :y :y

That is what the OOF is all about :D ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 21:02:01 »
You’ve already got them Lizz look at the pics

Ah, right.  Just shows how I am now confused ::) ::) :o

Thanks for your support :-* 8) ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 20:48:53 »
the two track rod ends are joined by a threaded sleeve. its this that can often be seized . a complete rod assembly is all 3 bits . ( two joints and the sleeve with nuts bolts and clamps )
hopefully yours might not be seized and we might be worrying over nothing !.

Thanks for your observations cam in head, but given what I have purchased what else is there please? Can you post the link to Autodoc and the missing part from Ridex?  Many thanks if you can :D :D ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 20:43:56 »
Lizz has ordered the complete deal for a great price look at the links

Yes, I think I have, but I am still feeling uncertain about all of this Raeturbo. Silly, but this proves I am getting older! ::) ;( ;(

General Car Chat / Re: Running In
« on: 10 February 2025, 17:54:26 »
Is it still the tyres that need running in for the first 600 miles? ???
Just watch it for the first 5 miles or so, whilst the release agent comes off, they can be a little more slippery.  Though unless you're driving towards the limit, you prob won't notice.

In actual fact for me now it is all local driving, with just a couple of miles of motorway that I use.  The rest is just the usual local roads where I am lucky to do 40 mph! ::) :D ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 17:50:59 »
as i mentioned earlier and DG mentioned too it would have been easier to just buy the full units . that was you know you have a good free moving adjuster .
then for the time it takes is there not a local oof member that would just pop it on for you for free ? the  its just a case of tracking adjustment
i know i would help a member in this way and im sure im not alone in my ethic ?

Thanks, but we are short of OOF mechanic's in this part of Kent ::) :D ;)  In any case, the price the local Protyre outfit is going to charge me for just 1 hours labour and tracking is so good I cannot be bothered to muck around.  I will now be enjoying their free coffee in the warm! 8) :D :D ;)

As for the whole assembly, I am not sure what that really is.  I have now purchased the two track rod ends, but what else is there please? ??? ???


General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 16:56:12 »
Yes if they are the same as the estate as that’s what comes up for mine too get the pair now they’re on offer.

Thanks. :y  Yep, bought both and will properly have them both fitted if the fitting price stays thin line, respectively, as quoted this afternoon by Protyre, my second regular garage for the old girl! ;D ;D ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 15:55:14 »
Help please!

I have found a local garage, that I often use for tyres, who can do the job for a third of that quoted by the Vx dealership.  However, they cannot source the part from their normal suppliers, but will fit the parts I acquire from Autodoc.

Trouble is I am nervous about ordering the part as there seems to be a number available from Autodoc, even though they match the parts to my Omega.  Can someone confirm please that the following is right given the MOT description of "Track rod end ball joint OFFSIDE"  .....
Does right equal "Offside"?

I know the manufacturer is a good one, but is that the right part please? ??? ???

I am not as confident as I used to be, and don't worry about giving your advice, I can show the part once received to the fitting garage and return to Autodoc if necessary.  I will, as usual, pay for Autodoc to check the match with my vehicle.  Many thanks :-* :-* ;)

If I also purchased ....... would I be replacing the nearside track rod, which would mean I have a complete set for the repair?

General Car Chat / Re: Running In
« on: 10 February 2025, 11:52:00 »
Is it still the tyres that need running in for the first 600 miles? ???

Certainly when I have fitted new tyres they come with the advice to do that.

As for revving the engine, is that not still known as an "Italian tune up"? ??? ;D ;D ;) 

Have used that technique over the decades, and I think it did at least some good :D :D

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