Doing some maintenance on car since some small oil leakage from the camcovers, also at the same time cleaned breathers and all intake parts.
Changed powersteering oil, motor oil (almost made a oil thread

) but I'm going to use the best oil to me, can't say it, I heard about the post counts

Oil filter, air filter haven't come yet but ordered K&N from Germany

Camcovers were at soda blast, painted them with 650C spray aluminium paint I like the result.
Oh those camcover gaskets are paininthearse.... got one from VX but the other was left to somewhere on the way and now I'm kind of waiting for it but ordered aftermarket one.
And that aftermarket gasket haven't came yet either so now just waiting and waiting....
Also found awfull lot of leakages from the intake parts

fixed them all next time taking apart need to change atleast one of the gaskets that connects the first RAM to the plastic intake part...

?What do you think, should I wait for the VX camcover gasket or put the aftermarket one in as it comes?

? The other cover is in place already with the VX one.
