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Messages - TheBoy

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From what you say, I doubt you have air in the ABS module, so normal bleeding should get the air out - be that 2 person job, or Eezibleed type options.

If you do get air in the ABS, marque specific (or high end garage type) diags tools will be needed to run the return pump to get the air out of the ABS block.

I know this is Audi, but near identical setup:

I can pretty much guarantee he filmed that about a 1000 times, as the bottom pings out and the spring embedded into your face.  I know this, because....

Most Teves use a slightly easier sprung wire that you have to locate in holes on the caliper, still a pain especially with cold hands, but nowhere near as frustrating as the more substantial spring on mine.

After work, OSF disc and pads, and diagnosed a faulty pump for the headlight washers whilst the wheel was off.

Sadly, I've had to order a pump, so will have to take it apart again in a few days.
That Callum chap wouldn't have it any other way ;D
I'm assuming he wasn't responsible for that bit, as it's easy to get to, other than than its quicker to take the wheel off (though probably just about doable without).

One thing I really struggle with on the brakes - and I can't really blame Sir Callum idiothead, as its a fairly standard Teves setup - is the antirattle spring.  The XJ design is more bulky than the usual wire type (which also is a bit of a pain), and always causes much swearing.  Its one of those, you can spend an hour and get nowhere, go have a break, come back and it goes on in 30s!

General Car Chat / Re: Getting a bit desperate now
« on: 05 March 2025, 18:04:07 »
It could be that it's a bit low and the cold affects the volume enough to upset it. Might be worth topping it up... :-\
Suspect more likely badly stored pigs piss from a garage, so it would have degraded badly.
;D ;D ;D Eff off, you, and take your car for a swim  ;D
I'm gonna be less gun-ho going through minor puddles now ;D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 05 March 2025, 18:02:58 »
After work, OSF disc and pads, and diagnosed a faulty pump for the headlight washers whilst the wheel was off.

Sadly, I've had to order a pump, so will have to take it apart again in a few days.

Omega General Help / Re: Y26SE - starting then dying
« on: 05 March 2025, 18:00:41 »
Got there in the end! Thanks for the update :y

General Car Chat / Re: Getting a bit desperate now
« on: 05 March 2025, 15:45:19 »
It could be that it's a bit low and the cold affects the volume enough to upset it. Might be worth topping it up... :-\
Suspect more likely badly stored pigs piss from a garage, so it would have degraded badly.

Likewise, I try to choose particular brands from a select number of sellers.

That said, I have just bought a couple of significant parts for the next phase of Project Proper car form a couple of sellers in Lithuania... Though if they start playing silly buggers, my GF is Lithuanian so I will get her to yell at them.
Generally, I've had little trouble from Lithuanian breakers, and often the part arrives quicker than the usual ebay 'tards, so fingers crossed there will be no issue :y

One of our host girlies at work is from there, so I have picked up a few swear words and derogatory comments ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Nissan Cumquot
« on: 05 March 2025, 13:54:40 »
All our office primary work locations don't have parking any more.  self-abusers.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 05 March 2025, 13:53:39 »
During lunch, NSF disc and pads.  Caught it just as the sensor touched the disc, so the sensor remains usable.  I'm a tight arse like that!

Retrieved, a forest out of various bits of the beaten up undertray, and think I can see the cause of the post drowning rattle noise.

General Car Chat / Re: Getting a bit desperate now
« on: 05 March 2025, 13:51:47 »
First thing I'd do is get the fickin adblue coded out, it's a pain when the temperature drops.

not had a problem with my ML Bluetec ..... (he says touching wood  :-X)
No issues with the pigs piss in hers either, once I can actually get some delivered from the usual ebay arseholes.

My Adblue has generally come from Costco
Newer cars will tell you how much is in the tank but mine will apparently just tell you when you're at the 500 miles to go .... I just put a container full in every now & then but have never had the warning
Costco are way too expensive, it was something like £10 by the time VAT went on for 5l.  Even ShitFix/Toolstation is only £16 for 10l.

Her car doesn't even give a countdown, it says it's low, then you have a predetermined, but unspecified, number of starts before it refuses to start.  The next model year did have a countdown, and tells you via the app as well.

Also, the size of the tank is compromised on her very specific trim model to get weight down, to get it in the £0 VED category, so the bloody think holds a max of 9l.  So we chuck 5l in at a time, and just get used to doing it every 2 or 3 months depending on miileage/journey style.

We also keep the Ad blue in the utiiity room, as it doesn't like being stored incorrectly.  Hence I wouldn't use from a petrol station shop where its left outside to freeze, and often in direct sunlight.

i suppose this will end up being the way to go in the future as "original" parts supply dries up and we get what we can . obviously not all aftermarket stuff is crap and also some makes are not  consistent anyway . i also read somewhere that not all oem stuff is actually the same quality as originally fitted when the car was made !.   stuff like bulbs , blades fuses etc are easily obtained anywhere of differing quality and modern rubber components are universally crap ?
personally "virtually everything" i buy is from ebay and over the years ive had very few issues . certainly outweighed by the bargains ive found .
I bet for things like bulbs etc, a franchised dealer will by cheap crap, and sell on a full RRP for older cars.

I tend to be quite choosey on brands for stuff thats important (or a shit to change), though care not where I source it from as long as it's reasonably reputatable - ie, I would not by Bosch stuff from a chinky ebay seller or an unknown amazon marketplace seller....

Omega General Help / Re: Massive Clattering Noise
« on: 05 March 2025, 13:40:06 »
Doesn't sound good - no pun intended.  Could be a number of things, but I think I'd try seeing if it starts without aux belt on, in case something on the aux belt is dragging.  I wouldn't hold out too much hope TBH.  Then remove timing belt cover.  If that looks OK, oil starvation?

General Car Chat / Re: Getting a bit desperate now
« on: 05 March 2025, 09:46:53 »
First thing I'd do is get the fickin adblue coded out, it's a pain when the temperature drops.

not had a problem with my ML Bluetec ..... (he says touching wood  :-X)
No issues with the pigs piss in hers either, once I can actually get some delivered from the usual ebay arseholes.

Like EuroShiteParts and their love of Firstline branded parts.  They look ok, sometimes even fit, but guaranteed not to last the warranty period ;D

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