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Topics - grifter

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This stems from I need to fix the adjuster thing on the LH wishbone for headlight aim. In the meantime whenever I get the warning I just tap the bottom left steering mounted switch to turn the warning off. Recently after the car being laid up for a bit over winter it now doesn't turn off when I click the switch, any ideas why it won't turn off now? Is this the car getting pissed off I'm not fixing it?!



Was looking for something worthwhile to fill up an otherwise dreary sunday so ended up deciding to have a good dig about the V6 valve cover gaskets, and specifically who actually makes them (The original GM ones).

I had a suspicion from reading some things on here and looking online that it was elring or perhaps victor reinz, but having a bit more of a dig it seems that it was ACDelco who made them.

If you go to link below, select year 2000 from picklist > type in make "cadillac" > then pick "catera" > click green continue button > click A-Z parts list icon > scroll down to "E" and look for "engine valve cover gasket"

There is 3 parts listed there, one the seperate gaskets (listed twice for some reason with same number 90511451) and the one that's joined together (55351456).

From reading from the link below it seems the joined one is for the metal cover on the vectra 2.5 v6, not sure if that also applied to the 2.5 v6 with plastic covers although the 2.5 gasket wouldn't be listed in US as I believe they only used the 3.0.

I've bought the joined one before and just cut off the little link section between them. Is that right that the one that's joined together is for the vectra V6?

Not 100% on this but it seems that it is ACDelco who made the gaskets originally and were listed as supplied to GM as OE parts.

General Discussion Area / Family member's car written off
« on: 10 September 2024, 12:40:29 »
A couple of weeks ago my brother left his car in the local railway station car park and while it was there, a woman with a disability car reversed right into the front offside wheel area, bent the wing, bonnet/damaged light and whatever else damage done underneath. It doesn't look that bad on the face of it but imagine it might have damaged the steering/suspension as there was a big puddle of what looked lke steering fluid on the ground.

The front of the car was shunted about 3 feet sideways out the parking bay. Apparently the woman driving it was the friend of the actual named driver and she said she had drove it as her friend wasn't well, but turns out she wasn't insured to drive it.

The car is a VW passat 15 plate 1.6 diesel with just shy of 50k miles and I think valuation is around the 7 grand mark thereabouts. Insurance company said they were willing to cover it but have now said it is deemed a write off. I think it can still be repaired but is deemed a certain category of repaired write off.

I am no expert in this but how do they determine the car is written off, is it if the cost exceeeds 70% of the value of the car or similar?

I think there is also the option he can get the car back from the insurance and use the valuation the insurance give him to get it repaired himself. He is currently on the sick, needs the car for dialysis and would potentially have to pay any difference in repair costs over the book valuation he gets from insurance, if that's what it comes to.

Just wondering what his options are, he'd prefer to keep the car and not sure if he's get one the same with such low miles unless he forked out a premium.



Omega General Help / Fuel filter seals
« on: 12 May 2024, 11:10:03 »
Y32SE engine

When I finally managed to get the fuel hose clips off the fuel filter, on the clip closest to the front, the main securing clips, a seal, a plastic collar about 3mm depth, and a smaller light coloured plastic washer came out on the fuel filter neck. I also dug out a further small seal from the back so that was 2 rubber seals in all, and 2 plastic washers, one thicker than the other and black in colour.

On the fitting closest to the tank, nothing came out with the fuel filter neck but I looked in and could see a seal. I put the new clip back in the pipe on that one and it clipped back in.

I fed the seals and plastic washers back into the other one and then put the plastic clips back into the pipe. This clipped back in ok after a bit of shove; the clip holders were a bit chewed from me trying to dig the clips out hence the wee shove to get it to clip in.

The side nearest the tank clipped in ok but comparing it to the other side it has a bit of play between the pipe and the filter. It stays in place but you can move the filter in and out a couple of mm if you are holding the fuel pipe elbow and trying to pull fitler in and out. The other side is tight and doesn't move.

Am starting to question if i've put in one too many seals in one side and left one out the other. Also, I didn't see any plastic collar on the side nearest the tank come out, which seemed to be the next in line after the plastic thing with the 2 clips.

Is there any guidance as to what seals and plastic washers go into the pipe end and in what order so I can reference it?



Elite 3.2

Got a broken rear spring and in the process of removing them I noticed an ident LA on each spring. Had a look through the forum and it looks like the LA identifer is a mystery that VX does not seem to have a part no for. Before I started removing them I thought the ident would be long gone so ordered a set of KYB that I've seen mentioned on here. Are the KYBs ok for the elite now that I think on it.

Springs still look pretty good nick, well apart from the broken one, the coils are still relatively black with little rust.

One of the centre sections and the back box is toast so I removed them but the 4 bolts between cats and centre section have all snapped. I don't see any other way to remove the studs but remove the cats and to get more access, tried some heat and no joy.

To remove the each cat is it the 2 plugs for sensors and the 2 upper bolts to remove from manifold? Any other little sneaky things hiding waiting to take the skin off my knuckles?



Omega General Help / Loosing coolant
« on: 07 March 2024, 06:43:14 »
3.2 elite

Last couple of months I've been loosing coolant, got to top it up after say 50-100 miles back up to level, usally when light low coolant light comes on. After a run the other night had a good look underneath, left it sitting for a while on my drive, couldn't see any drips anywhere, had a good scour around engine bay with torch no sign of anything. Done block test last night and nothing showing, not that I suspected HG but just ruling it out.

Last year replaced rad, oil cooler, hose from block to heater radiator also replaced the top rad fan switch, still got the lower one to do, also replaced the aux water pump under the coolant bottle as it was leaking, that was last Year too. Also checked the floors for any water ingress, bone dry. Only thing I can think is maybe leak from oil cooler plate and it's running down the back of the box or something and I can't see it. Made sure I used the right sealant and that everything was clean and torqued up properly so be surprised if it's the oil cooler plate leaking, although if it was that then perhaps it is dripping out when the car is moving and then pooling somewhere in the V when stationary, then pouring back out when I'm moving so I don't actually see the leak.

Hopefully get in on the ramps at the weekend and get right under it. HBV is quite new so not suspecting that either.

General Car Chat / VW Passat door latch issue
« on: 17 February 2024, 19:20:20 »

My brother has a VW Passat, 2015 model, and he's having an issue with the drivers door not closing when it's cold. Apparently it's a common issue and he's had a local mechanic take all the lock out and lubricate it and the guy said there's no wear in the lock either. Tried the usual before this spraying loose oil spray grease etc. in the lock. The only thing that fixes it (temporarily) is pouring hot water over the latch area. So obviously something triggered by lower temps.

He does dialysis every other night at the local hospital so it's a bit of pain when he comes out, opens the door then goes to close it and it bounces open again. It's usually about 1 in the morning by the time he's finished and so just wants to get home and go to his kip, but has to go back in and get a kettle of hot water from the porter to fix it.

Just thought I'd ask on here if anyone had suffered similar issue and if it was that maybe the whole latch needed replaced.



Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Outside air temp sensor
« on: 16 February 2024, 10:26:52 »
3.2 Elite

So I was getting weird readings on my temp reading way below what it was, so replaced temp sensor behind bumper and doesn't seem to be any different, showing 0oC when it's about 9oC. Is this then the wiring at fault somewhere?

Omega General Help / Question about cabin filter
« on: 19 January 2024, 11:28:03 »
I noticed when I replaced the cabin filter/pollen filter thing it was quite loose in it's mountings, is that right? It seemed like almost half the thickness of the actual holder bit it goes into, so you can move it up and down in holder. I also seen some talk that the facelift model it should be a charcoal filter and not a plain filter that's for the PFL, I think the replacement was charcoal as it had a sort of dark hue look to it on it but couldn't be sure.



Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Reverse sensor makes strange noise
« on: 17 December 2023, 01:25:40 »
Car: Elite 3.2 02 plate

Just recently, when reversing, the parking sensor or something is making a loud single tone as soon as you put in reverse, seems intermittent- the issue, not the sound itself -  the sensors still do their job sometimes, but just wondering what this warning type sound is as soon as I put in R?



Just changed the rad and condensor on my elite, changed the radiator fan switches as well, and now when I let i tickover to heat up both the front fans and the backside fans kick on at the same time - about 90 on the guage then cools down to about 80 - is it not the front fan first then the other 2 at the front when it gets really hot?

Before I done this work I noticed the front fan came on but the temp just sat at 90 with the front fan running for ages and never really turning off, the 2 front fans never came on it just sat about 90 degrees.

Granted it now cools down much quicker so it's not really a issue in itself just wondering why both fans come on at the same time.

Omega General Help / Swapping interior
« on: 07 August 2023, 07:01:46 »

I'm planning swapping my black leather interior over to the cream leather, apart from the obvious seats and door cards is there anything fiddly doing this job or is it pretty straightforward?

Never had seats / interior out of an omega but done on plenty other cars so just in case there is any sticky bits.




I'm not finding any oem switches for these anywhere, stocking up for when I change the rad on elite, just wondering if anyone can recommend a good copy make or have a gen set they could part with (But wouldn't blame you if you didn't!)?



Omega General Help / A/C Schrader Valves
« on: 21 May 2023, 15:36:34 »
I'm looking to replace the schrader valve on my AC, it was leaking. Not entirely convinced it is just a tyre valve though, it may fit but are the seals r134 compatible?

Some listed on this thread but the parts are now sold out.

Any thoughts what is the right ones to get?



Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Spanner light
« on: 20 May 2023, 08:38:59 »

Just wondering should the spanner light stay on when ignition is on but engine not started?

I noticed this morning when I had ignition on for 12v tyre pump that spanner light was flashing. I do have a key for my 2.6 on the key chain so wondered if it was interfering with the pick up or something. I took that key off the key chain and it stopped the flashing light but the light remained solid on with ignition.



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