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Messages - Mister Rog

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I'm guessing the 1922 committee had almost enough letters of intent to kick him out. Ask Graham Brady.

Ah yes, Sir Graham Brady chair of the 1922 Committee that got shot of Boris and manipulated Sunak into No 10. The Sir Graham Brady who is now standing down at the election, deserting the sinking ship that he helped blow a hole in. That Sir Graham Brady  . .

Looks a bit like Snowdon, or whatever the Welsh call it today, on Bank Holiday weekend.  :)

Don't start me off on that one  :-\

Renaming one of the biggest tourist attractions and landmarks. Bonkers  ???

General Discussion Area / Head In Sand
« on: 04 May 2024, 23:41:25 »
So Khan is re-elected Mayor of London. Surprise surprise given the demographics of London. 
Without much doubt, Labour will form the next Government
Theocracy rather than democracy ever increasingly influences current voting patterns
I'm off. I'll stick my head in the sand.
It's very selfish, but I'm of an age when current events will not affect me greatly. I just feel sorry for my kids and future generations.

Selling the family silver omega  :o

I had 3 Carltons once , turns out you can only drive one car at a time  :o
so having a spare spare spare car is probably overkill  ;D
unless they're FORDS or French  :P

Recently went down from two cars in the house to just one. A second car just doesn't get used. I need to reinvent myself as some kind of boy racer  ::)

General Car Chat / Re: A Bit Weird
« on: 02 April 2024, 23:04:56 »
Have you thought about getting something fun, like a little hot hatch or something Rog?

Y'know something that puts a smile on your face when you get in it?  :)

I'd thought along those lines. A hot hatch wouldn't do it for me, it would need to be more like a conventional sports car. But, it just wouldn't get used much.
I drove a lot before retirement, too much, and was part of the reason for retiring. I got fed up with sitting in traffic jams, not getting where I needed to be in decent time, the constant risk of getting "done" for some reason. It's a long time since I've driven for fun.

Actually, the last time was on a skid pad at a disused airfield when the instructor removed the ABS chip from my Merc . . . .

General Car Chat / Re: A Bit Weird
« on: 02 April 2024, 22:42:28 »
Have you thought about getting something fun, like a little hot hatch or something Rog?

Y'know something that puts a smile on your face when you get in it?  :)

I'd thought along those lines. A hot hatch wouldn't do it for me, it would need to be more like a conventional sports car. But, it just wouldn't get used much.
I drove a lot before retirement, too much, and was part of the reason for retiring. I got fed up with sitting in traffic jams, not getting where I needed to be in decent time, the constant risk of getting "done" for some reason. It's a long time since I've driven for fun.

General Car Chat / A Bit Weird
« on: 29 March 2024, 22:58:26 »
It's bit Weird. The Mrs and I have always had our own cars, I had a Volvo XC70 that was used quite a bit for work, lugging stuff around. But I've given up my little business, the XC70 had quite a few little niggly things (Auto gear stick would stick, dull headlights, broken door handle, hand brake cable) nothing terminal but hard to get fixed and annoying. Also, I just didn't use it much. The garage would tick me off for not putting enough miles on it.

So, with annual service, MOT, Tax, and insurance all due, I got shot of it, with Mrs and I now sharing a V70 (she uses it more than I do). I'm not a petrolhead and see cars as purely functional. So far I've seen no compelling reason or had any big urge to get something and it's been quite nice not having to think about stuff that needs doing. But it's just a bit odd  ???

General Discussion Area / Re: Spare A Tought....
« on: 19 March 2024, 00:23:00 »
Growing up in Norn Irn, I barely heard mention of Paddys day. It just didnt seem to be a big thing.
No the whole fickin world goes mad for it for some strange reason.  :-\

It's a big thing in the U S of A, so it spreads.
I have to say that when I was in school in Wales St David's day was marked (pointy hats and leek eating contests etc) and these days some shops etc will have some posters and whatever, but really not much in pubs restaurants etc

Macron hasn’t ruled it out.

I think he is spot on when he says Europe cannot allow Ukraine to lose. There is still a lot of inertia to overcome. Probably better to finish it before the US presidential elections in case Trump gets in and ditches Europe.

Maybe “ our troops” could do support jobs like maintenance with Ukranians on the front line.

Does Europe (and the UK) have the stomach and resources for all out war with Russia?

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 18 March 2024, 20:48:48 »
Steve Harley (Cockney Rebel). 73. Short battle with Cancer apparently.  :(
My kids went to school with his kids, and Daughter was friendly with his son in their teen years.
He came round ours once and entertained us with his excellent piano playing.
I thought he would follow his Dad into the music business, but apparently he became a Solicitor, which seemed a waste.

As an aside, his bass player Paul Jeffries and his new wife were killed in the Lockerbie Pan Am flight bombing on their honeymoon.

General Car Chat / Re: Mark Drakeford
« on: 14 March 2024, 23:58:45 »
the problem is actually caused by us anyway realy when you look at it . not us individually but as a collective group of "people, drivers ,etc ". most laws and penalties , fines etc are only made because  we cannot be relied upon to actually drive sensibly in the first place . if nobody ever speeded then there would never be any speedlimits cameras or fines !.pretty obvious realy and relates to many other laws too.   but putting 20mph signs up doesnt actually do anything and seems to actually make some drivers actually go faster .(certainly round by me they do !) you struggle to drive 20 in a 20 zone without being tooted or overtaken . ive not got a problem with any speed limits especially if they show a reduction in accidents

I dislike Dripford, but the 20mph thing is the least of my problems with him.

Right outside my house the speed limit is 20, and has been for quite some time. It's like a race track. Not just boy-racers with their modified Corsas, ordinary people who if you met in a pub you would regard as sensible, drive like lunatics. Crossing the road is hard. I'd contribute towards a speed camera.

I blame modern cars. Remote and isolated from the outside World. Overpowered, yes, overpowered. Just why do we need top speeds of 130+ mph and 150/250 + BHP? Please explain. I would add that I've had more than my fair share of speeding tickets.

High speeds on motorways are one thing. No pedestrians, a high speed environment. 30/40 mph in an urban area is bloody dangerous.

General Discussion Area / Re: Rochdale
« on: 03 March 2024, 00:40:28 »
George Galloway would fade into insignificance, ignored in parliament and unable to do anything for his constituents, if it wasn't for the fact that the MSM are hanging on his every word. We all know that the BBC, ITV and SKY are left wing organisations and, by putting Galloway front and centre on every broadcast, they are propagating their own agenda.
Does he seriously think he would have been voted in in a white majority constituency?
Hopefully, he will disappear as quickly as he arrived in the next general election. Meanwhile, let's see if the idiot Lyndsay Hoyle allows him to put forward questions at PMQs.

Don't underestimate him. Agree or disagree he is incredibly eloquent and persuasive which is why he is where he is. In a somewhat perverse way, it may be good for Sunak and Flip Flop Starmer to have some competition as neither are very good on the floor of the house. The wake up call here is that Islamic influences are gaining hold on a suposedly secular government.

General Discussion Area / Re: American elections
« on: 09 February 2024, 00:02:06 »
Even at the last US election I was staggered that Trump and Biden were the best that the good 'ol US of A could come up with.

And now, with a UK general election looming, I ask myself the same question.

It seems that politics has been reduced to having to try and choose from the least bad, not the actual best

General Discussion Area / Re: Police for sale?
« on: 04 February 2024, 23:30:25 »
Back in the 80s and 90s I had nice new cars that frequently got nicked

For quite some time I've had a car buying policy of NOT having cars that anyone would want to nick. Omegas, Volvos etc

It works  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Gas Chamber
« on: 26 January 2024, 06:09:37 »
Back to Alabama.

Why is it so hard to kill people?  ???  It seems the Yanks opps it up regularly with the wrong drugs or the wrong mix of drugs, and now are resorting to clamping a gas mask on this fella and making him breath nitrogen.  :-\

What's wrong with good old fashioned hanging? I read an account once of an execution in an English prison in the 1950's. The condemned man's cell was next to the execution chamber and there was a secret door between the two. Apparently it took just seven seconds from opening the secret door to dropping him.  :o  I'd imagine by the time he realised what was happening he was falling through the hatch...  :-X

Alternatively, maybe they should just take the condemned to the vets, who never seem to have any trouble despatching animals.  ::)   :)

Some years ago there was a TV programme with Michael Portillo called something like "How To Kill A Human being".

Fascinating stuff, but my wife was just a little too interested in it  ???

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