Chat Area > General Car Chat

So what have you done to your car today?

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Darth Loo-knee:
Doesn't matter if you have worked on an Omega or another one of your cars which isn't an Omega, just share what you have been doing  :y

Shalln't tell, it's a secret! :P ;D

Mind your own bloody business , effing nosey parker. :P :D ;D

changed a fuse.  :)

Changed pollen filter yesterday, ordered a new radiator which is out of stock and got my philips silver vision bulbs through the post today.

Haven't been able to do anything to the car today as it's at the garage where it's been in for an air con service (filters) and regas.

Elite Pete:
Fitted some roof bars to an Omega estate and stripped the rear suspensiom of an MGF ready to rebush it.

Cheers for the bars youth and the brew and chinwag :y


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