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Topics - Andy B

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General Car Chat / spotted an Omega
« on: 23 December 2024, 12:38:31 »
Just seen an Omega!  :y :y
It's been ages since I last saw an Omega out & about & todays Omega was the Holy Grail version ie 3.2 Elite estate!
It was in that rare silver too!  ;D ;D

General Car Chat / insurance
« on: 24 September 2024, 20:07:01 »
car insurance is up next month and renewals arrived the other day. Surprisingly they're literally only a few quid different from last year but what I do find odd is that the 2 cars that cover the least mileage a year are the 2 policies that have gone up. While the Smart I go to work in (6/7000 miles per yr) & the ML that is used to tow with (5/6000 miles per yr) have gone down a few quid each  :-\

General Discussion Area / can you believe ....
« on: 04 May 2024, 20:52:15 »
 ... it was 42 years ago today that HMS Sheffield was sunk during the Falklands 'war'?  ???

I was in Pompey on Whale Island at the time ..... it was silent in the mess when the news was released.
doesn't time fly?

General Car Chat / Tesco pay at pump
« on: 20 March 2024, 16:13:37 »
Just used one of their new touch screen fuel pumps.
Am I imagining it or ... on the old pumps if you just put your debit/credit card in, that the machine just registered the fact that you were going to pay at the pump or did you HAVE to choose pay cashier or pay at pump.

Woman cashier said you had to choose  ..... I said you didn't  :-\ :-\  ::)

General Car Chat / Mark Drakeford
« on: 14 March 2024, 11:56:22 »
Surprised at the level of anger at the 20mph limit. Just shows that they live in a different world from the rest of us .....

BBC News - Mark Drakeford defends 20mph law before stepping down

General Car Chat / Lotus Carlton/Omega
« on: 19 February 2024, 09:29:30 »
Some tongue in cheek but entertaining  :y :y

General Discussion Area / Elgin Marbles
« on: 28 November 2023, 11:34:49 »
Haven't the Greeks watched James Acaster? .....  ;D

General Discussion Area / bank card fraud
« on: 29 August 2023, 13:56:58 »
yesterday evening Mrs B went to a cashpoint at a petrol station/Co-op to get cash for our daughter. She commented at the time that it was a grotty, dirty thing.
For what ever reason .... 6th sense  :-\ .... she looked at her on-line banking on her phone when we got back home less than an hour later. There had been 3 payments of around £35 to a local shop selling 'back to school' stuff .... uniforms, pens etc and 3 payments to Next on line for around £40/£45 taken from her bank. In total around £250
She obviously phoned her bank to sort it out .... hadn't quite tied the cashpoint & the fraud together .... but talking to her bank, that's exactly where the fraud had taken place.

All sorted now & the money was back in her account last night, but just goes to how quick these buggers are. And would they have taken more if Mrs B hadn't noticed as quick?

General Car Chat / electric cars
« on: 25 July 2023, 20:25:26 »
What They Really Mean for You

On BBC1 ...anyone watching it .... ?

General Discussion Area / More scams
« on: 12 July 2023, 21:14:54 »
I was phoned earlier by 'Chris from O2' who was informing me that O2 were reducing by mobile phone bill (my phone is actually by O2) by 40% .... I didn't need to disclose any personal info ... all I needed to do was to tell him what the code was that he was about to text me. He did send me a text that was headed O2 UK and a 6 digit number. It included all the relevant phrases that a real message would have included.
I said that I'd no way of verifying that he was infact Chris from O2 and it smelt a bit fishy ..... but he carried on with his spiel ... even phoned me back after 'we got cut off' and suggested that I could Google the number he rang on to prove he was from O2.
I fvcked him off & did google the 0208 number ....  various messages about it  being a scam.

So ..... he did send me a ''code number.'' I'm curious as to how this code would have enabled him to scam me  :-\ :-\ :-\

General Discussion Area / Huw Edwards
« on: 12 July 2023, 18:12:40 »
well .... who thought it would be him?!  ::) ::)

General Discussion Area / PayPal scam????
« on: 01 June 2023, 20:52:51 »
SWMBO put some things from the shed for sale on FaceAche's marketplace. Very soon after the add was placed someone contacted her to say they'd have the dog cage. Great! So she gave him our address for him to call for it .... he then says that his son will collect it & he now wants to pay via PayPal. SWMBO says I don't have PayPal & want cash please. Oh ... you can just download it he says, I know says SWMBO, my husband has it. Next message from him is ... what's your husbands email address & I'll pay him.
We then just ignored him & since heard no more from him.

I smell a scam but don't know what it is. I guess that he pays into my PayPal, collects dog crate then claims some kind of dispute & gets his money back from me .....  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Why would you want to pay someone £30 via PayPal if you weren't up to something shady?

General Discussion Area / Oh bugger!
« on: 11 April 2023, 14:24:47 »
We're having our kitchen tarted up a bit ... new worktops etc. The fitter put the induction hob in the garage out of the way .... he's just come in - 'can I show you something?'
He's just put one of the new worktops on top of it & broken it!!!! They won't be making much in the way of a profit on the job now. Just looked at an equivalent replacement Neff hob ..... around £1000!  :-X

General Car Chat / blowing exhaust
« on: 01 March 2023, 18:09:17 »
I've noticed, but tried to ignore, that the exhaust on my Smart 451 has been blowing. Today, I eventually stuck my head under the back of the car today. To say it's blowing is an understatement! The flexi has practically parted company with the back box. And the remnants of the two bolts on the flange from the flexi to the rigid part of the exhaust don't look like they'll ever move.
MB only want £400+VAT  ??? I think I'll be looking for a replacement flexi ....  :y

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