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Messages - Andy B

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 2687
General Car Chat / Re: Thinking of getting back into an Omega
« on: 08 February 2025, 20:49:19 »
I'm in the process of hard brake lines, flexi's & slave cylinders on my Smart Roadster ..... it's far too much crawling on the floor for an old git like me!  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Bin Collections
« on: 05 February 2025, 15:46:18 »
Since we had a whole day of snow last month, our bin collections are all to cock. The streets are full of bins of various colours, because no one knows when they're going to turn up and which bin they will choose to empty when they do.
Labour run Barnsley.

If only there was a universally available resource where the latest schedules could be posted for anyone who needs the information.

Imagine how cool it would be if you could access that information at no cost from a small screen you carry around with you.

I get an emial every week to tell me which bin is collected that week  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Bin Collections
« on: 05 February 2025, 08:48:20 »
we have 4 bins
grey ... general waste
blue ... glass, cans & plastic pots/bottles etc
green .... paper
These are all every 3 weeks

The brown bin is for garden waste & food waste which is collected ever other week

I don't think the deposit idea for supermarkets is a bad idea ..... it's them that create most of the packaging material in the first place. Years back when I was a kid & supermarkets had yet to become a thing, everyone managed with just 1 dustbin.
I see the amount of packaging that we use at work ie shrink wrap on a pallet. This is the wrap that still wraps a pallet of cans that are now in a cardboard pack on the supermarket shelves .... Joe Public is happy because he believes there is now less plastic packaging on the product.


yet another very helpful reply to a new poster ....  :-X

General Car Chat / Re: Further drop in cost of a new leccy Jag.
« on: 31 January 2025, 20:57:16 »
if I were to purchase a Landcruiser I'd find an older model that didn't require Adblue.

Pre 2016 then, like a lot of other manufacturers.  :y

my 14 plate ML350 has Adblue  ;)

General Car Chat / Re: spotted an Omega
« on: 31 January 2025, 07:09:22 »
Just seen an Omega!  :y :y
It was in that rare silver too!  ;D ;D

Just spotted a silver Omega on a recent BENGREGERS YouTube clip. He films cars going through floods and KD52 OKL ignored a road closed sign (tut tut) and went through the flood.  :y
Anyone on here?  :-\

It amazes me the speed that various cars go through the water at & then are surprised they come to a full stop with an engine full of water .... and the 4x4s that think they're bullet proof.

Omega General Help / Re: 3.0 oil filler neck....removing.
« on: 28 January 2025, 22:31:48 »
Well, when it stops bloody raining,  ::)  ....

hopefully its sooner rather than later ..... I've had enough of the wet!  :-\
It's global raining, don't you know.
;D ;D

I'm still only half way through hard lines & flexis on the brakes of my Smart Roadster .... I started them months ago!  :-[

Omega General Help / Re: 3.0 oil filler neck....removing.
« on: 28 January 2025, 20:37:01 »
Well, when it stops bloody raining,  ::)  ....

hopefully its sooner rather than later ..... I've had enough of the wet!  :-\

Been driving it a bit now and the burning oil smell has gone and no sign of oil loss either. It is noticeable that the engine takes longer to warm up without the oil cooler and so far only seems to get to about 92 degrees on the gauge, whereas it used to run at 95 degrees and would warm up quickly.

However, it has been cold recently.

I did say as much  ;) ie it's a heat exchanger, not just an oil cooler  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 27 January 2025, 11:00:10 »
..... it was pay day on Friday after all  :y

EVERY Friday is pay day for me! Who'd think that a company the size of Heinz pays us weekly in this day & age!  ;D
Cash in brown envelopes.
not quite that bad  ;D

Omega General Help / Re: Bonnet support arms
« on: 27 January 2025, 10:16:11 »
I have an inkling that the FL bonnet struts are different to PFL/MFL ones as well, due to extra bonnet weight.

definitely different part numbers but I can't see they'd be that different  :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 27 January 2025, 10:14:10 »
I buggered my back again, mostly likely from one of the Chiltern trips last week - I often suffer afterwards, but normally back to normal in a day or 2.  This time, it's giving me grief for much longer :(. Is that a sign of age?

Unfortunately yes!  ::)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 27 January 2025, 10:11:47 »
..... it was pay day on Friday after all  :y

EVERY Friday is pay day for me! Who'd think that a company the size of Heinz pays us weekly in this day & age!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: This will lower knife crime
« on: 26 January 2025, 20:35:32 »
* For the parents too. I don’t care what anybody says, most of societies problems today can be laid at the parents door. Crap parenting.

I disagree.
My daughter & son were both brought up in the same house, in the same manner & with the same rules. One is a shit & the other is a darling!

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