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Omega General Help / Re: Lifting the suspension
« on: Yesterday at 13:14:00 »
wow .it sounds like you are carrying some serious weight there . looking at those springs they should certainly lift/stiffen up the rear so long as they dont make it too hard and unpleasant unladen ?   but loaded up may well feel ok . you may not need the assisters on the front ?  you will soon see

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 22:42:50 »
i cant see the takes me to an advert !
but yes if you have got the whole assembly then thats easier for whoever fits it . sorry if i confused the issue !   just (like many others)was disgusted by the initial price you were quoted !
hopefully all will be ok when done and dusted.

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 20:16:37 »
the two track rod ends are joined by a threaded sleeve. its this that can often be seized . a complete rod assembly is all 3 bits . ( two joints and the sleeve with nuts bolts and clamps )
hopefully yours might not be seized and we might be worrying over nothing !.

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 10 February 2025, 17:32:35 »
as i mentioned earlier and DG mentioned too it would have been easier to just buy the full units . that was you know you have a good free moving adjuster .
then for the time it takes is there not a local oof member that would just pop it on for you for free ? the  its just a case of tracking adjustment
i know i would help a member in this way and im sure im not alone in my ethic ?

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 09 February 2025, 14:13:26 »
dealers are not interested in repairing cars let alone older ones so if you dont want to do it yourself there should be a local garage that would ( if you have one you trust !  not one that wants to change more bits because they think its " better long term "or seized ! )
to be sure you could always just buy a complete track rod assembly ,lube up the sleeve for futureproofing and have them fit that .
i wouldnt let them buy the part as they might put a markup on the price of it !

if you do it with the column cowl still in place .yes you can reach the screw but be carefull not to scratch the top of the cowling when you pull the instruments out  !

Omega Gallery / Re: Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 08 February 2025, 13:27:27 »
they have definately aged well . much more so as the facelift version over the earlier one which like the mk3 astra looks dated .

General Car Chat / Re: Thinking of getting back into an Omega
« on: 08 February 2025, 13:17:45 »
im absolutely dreading the time when i wont  be able to work on my cars . no issues yet at nearly 60 but time will tell !   and then who the hell would i trust anyway ? certainly no garage thats for sure !

General Car Chat / Re: Another MOT Pass
« on: 08 February 2025, 13:14:49 »
absolutely distgusting for a 10 minute job and a £10 part !

mot wouldnt flag it up but to get to the bulbs you need to remove the instrument assembly. first  remove the cowling above the column and then you can reach the securing screw . instruments can be removed and bulbs replaced as required . im sure there will be a guide if req.

Omega General Help / Re: Y26SE - starting then dying
« on: 07 February 2025, 18:17:18 »
as nick mentions above change the fuel filter if you have not already done so .you dont mention it being done ?

me and john remember the blue car well . the bumper WAS definately good last time we were .
i mentioned these cars cos they were there but thought it would be too far to travel and that you might find one nearer home ! ( its not something you would trust being posted !)

me and john remember the blue car well . the bumper WAS definately good last time we were there (around nov)never noted the condition of the silver one but the rest of its panels were very good .
i mentioned these cars cos they were there but thought it would be too far to travel and that you might find one nearer home ! ( its not something you would trust being posted !)

plenty of home made ideas on youtube . even saw one where someone used a vape pen !
at the end of the day ( and especialy if its not something you are going to use regularly ) any method of producing and pushing out some kind of smoke will work !

that yard in accrington is called 1st choice spares.  the silver bumper WAS ok in about november but thats long enough for it to be damaged or sold. your car sounds like a keeper so might be worth just getting a bumper locally and having it painted .front bumpers often suffer some marks so a freshly painted one would look good anyway.

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