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Topics - Mutha Jugs n Speed

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Omega General Help / Victor Reinz gaskets.
« on: 09 December 2019, 20:12:20 »
Has anyone here used the Reinz  cam cover gaskets?,if you have... any issues with quality or longevity? :-\

General Car Chat / Ebay scammer is back.
« on: 16 November 2019, 18:19:22 »
ALALON497 is back on ebay, selling imaginary parts from from a 3.2 Elite in the original warning,don't have anything to do with this dickhead.The car came back on today...same old crap! Spoken to ebay and they are not happy,and pulled it off immediately....what a thick knob!

General Car Chat / Has any member been scammed by this person?
« on: 07 November 2019, 14:56:58 »
Just a quick heads up....has anyone here had any recent dealings with a guy called Derek Lovell aka Alan Long aka  ALALON497 on either ebay or any Omega facebook groups. He was breaking an Elite 3.2 estate recently. If you have,please can you PM me with the details ...if he scammed you. Also take this as a warning that he's not to be trusted with parts that are to be posted after you have paid for them because you won't get them. It's now a police matter,so if you have anything to offer go for it...he needs to be stopped!

Omega General Help / Windscreen fitting kit.
« on: 21 September 2019, 18:08:28 »
Looking to change the screen on one of the Omegas.....and was looking around online for the fitting kit. There seems to be an upgrade available to replace the old six piece kit with a two piece one,question being has anyone had a screen fitted with the upgrade,and if so have they had any problems with it? tia :y

Omega General Help / Wheel arch replacement.
« on: 20 August 2019, 16:02:17 »
Looking for recommendations to get them done properly,I'm happy to travel a reasonable distance, as long as the  work is of a good standard.Not looking for any bodge jobs,because I'm able to do those myself ;)

Omega General Help / 3.2 Breather pipes.
« on: 07 June 2019, 16:40:44 »
One of the 3.2's was in at Serek's place today for an HBV change and to identify an oil leak (crankshaft seal) :o It was pointed out that the breather pipes were a bit past their best and new ones were needed. Question being....that it's unlikely to find new ones,so as a long shot,does anyone know is it likely that silicone replacements are available....somewhere out there. :-\

General Car Chat / Big thanks to Serek.
« on: 12 April 2019, 18:40:32 »
A big thanks to Serek and his staff,for the usual great service over the last two days. Curry at Spiceland was a bonus last night,sorry Big G couldn't make it due to other commitments. :y

Looking for a couple of F/L hazard light switches,condition not important as they are going to be refurbed. If it's possible can admin move this request to the relevant section. TIA :)

Omega General Help / Best EBC pads for the 3.2.
« on: 19 March 2019, 08:03:54 »
Looking for some views on the best front EBC pads for normal road use,going to upgrade a bit to front drilled and grooved discs. Pretty sure others here will have done similar TIA :y

Omega General Help / fuel filler flap removal.
« on: 14 February 2019, 16:22:50 »
I need to remove the above item to use it for a paint match, as the car was resprayed a few years back but in a whiter shade than its original 10L. I have asked the guy who did the respray,but he can't find it in his records...just need to get some rattle cans made up for some minor fettling. TIA :y

Omega General Help / LSD problem.
« on: 12 February 2019, 18:10:58 »
Trying to figure out what the problem is with the 3.2 auto, this is only pulling away on left or right angles i.e roundabouts and junctions....the problem being that as I start to pull away, I get a fairly loud clicking and vibration from the rear end,IIRC this may have been dealt with a fair while ago,but a search didn't reveal anything..mileage is currently 102k. TIA :y

Omega General Help / 3.2 rear drop links.
« on: 24 January 2019, 17:24:08 »
Need some advice on these please, bushes are perished,so looking at replacing the drop links with new..but looking at the fitment listings they only fit up to the 3.0,so are the 3.2 ones different and as an alternative can they be re bushed if there is a difference  TIA :y

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Central locking ECU..replacement.
« on: 16 November 2018, 17:57:31 »
I need to find the correct replacement central locking ECU for my 2000 F/L ex plod 3.0 MV6. I was looking through a post from a couple years back in which Dr G pointed out that the plod 3.2's had an Elite loom for the fitment of the CL ECU, does any one know does that apply to the 3.0 as well? :-\

General Car Chat / Spotted!
« on: 23 September 2018, 09:01:49 »
Yesterday afternoon (Saturday) very clean mid blue 3.2  north bound A419 Swindon.....ermm! didn't get a look at the reg no,as I was going a bit quicker than the above :-X ;)

General Discussion Area / Nick W
« on: 10 September 2018, 18:12:25 »
I'm trying to contact Nick W,I've sent him three PM's when he's been shown as online,but there's been no reply from him. I'm wondering wether his inbox is full or do  I have a problem with my p.m sending section.If possible can someone give him the heads up TIA.

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