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Messages - Mutha Jugs n Speed

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Omega General Help / Re: 3.0 oil filler neck....removing.
« on: 05 November 2024, 13:04:27 »
Thanks...will take a closer look. :y

Omega General Help / 3.0 oil filler neck....removing.
« on: 05 November 2024, 09:47:19 »
Can I remove the long part of the oil filler neck as on the 3.2's. Just had a quick go at seeing if it comes off, but being a bit on the cack handed side I didn't want break it if the 3.0 is different.....twist and tug,  just tug or leave it alone? :-\ tia.

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 22 September 2024, 08:42:54 »
Sounds good.....under floor heating and A/C,  big screen TV, recliner, coffee and tea making, mini bar...not sure if there's anything missing  OK,  a minion or two to work on the cars, and then it's just another day in Paradise :)

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 21 September 2024, 07:53:46 »
Thanks for those comments, seems there's quite a few of us, but  feeling the need to get under a car when it comes back from an MOT, with the dreaded advancing corrosion advisory seems to trigger the need to get in there go nosing around....maybe I can get one of those nursing home style hoists, and get SWMBO to lower me up and down as and when ::) :y

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 20 September 2024, 16:20:44 »
Yeah, I've got arthritis in the same shoulder and's a treat for anyone to witness me trying to get out from under a car....beached whale is a term commonly used, but getting under is aided by gravity which isn't so bad. Thinking of letting the three Omegas go, as I'm 76 next month and it's getting hard work, and I'm very drawn to the Kia Stinger to go Tesla hunting in ;)

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 19 September 2024, 22:23:38 »
No, this the high miler blue Elite, generally been a good car but just having a couple of probs at the moment. Will get the brake switch ordered for next week and get it booked in....torn rotator cuff says I won't be doing it though! ::)

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 19 September 2024, 17:21:52 »
Car is/was driveable, until I did the pedal test, sort of blessing in disguise, as I was going to take it up North....and thinking 200+ miles up the M6 and back again without brake lights oooer! :o

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 19 September 2024, 16:12:30 » click from the selector, whether that will change with a new brake light switch fitted. Also there's a hint of an electrical gremlin in the hazard lights which will need  attention from my rubber hammer. ::)   

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 19 September 2024, 12:51:54 »
Pedal trick shows PO571, Cruise control/brake switch ''A'' malfunction, hence having no brake lights upon checking. So now the this a standard brake  switch, or being linked to the cruise control is it different to a non cruise switch?

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 18 September 2024, 07:52:07 »
Actually it wasn't the 3.0,it was an early 2.0 that wasn't OBD compatible, I stand corrected. :)

Omega General Help / Re: Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 17 September 2024, 13:51:39 »
Can you do the pedal trick on a 3.2? did it on the 3.0 which worked OK.

Omega General Help / Intermittent spanner light.
« on: 17 September 2024, 12:08:25 »
I'm getting the spanner warning light coming on now and again, code reader says 1 DTC found, but never a code. I've tried it a few times but nothing, and car the is running perfectly. I know this is one of those 'how long is a piece of string?'' questions, but I've got a 500mile rounder to do next week and don't want to push my luck with a possible developing fault......if there is one?? :-\

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Possible immobiliser fault?
« on: 13 September 2024, 08:31:10 »
Would that be behind the kick panel? as I took a look at the diagrams for it in the obvious places, and no luck ::)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Possible immobiliser fault?
« on: 13 September 2024, 07:34:31 »
 Worth investigation, I guess there must be access to the relay.....but as I say electrickery is not a strong point, so didn't fancy chasing my tail. I'm guessing the relay location is in the under bonnet fuse box?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Possible immobiliser fault?
« on: 12 September 2024, 06:29:20 »
Thanks, I've fitted battery isolators to all three now, just because of the lack of use and the coming winter weather. Also all  the batteries  are now fitted with  C-Tek connectors which makes keeping them charged that much easier.

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