Quick question re the oil pressure switch, took a quick look at it this morning after finding that I didn't have a 24mm spanner. So a trip to Halfrauds for one and, nearly £12 without any KY, I'm now looking from the top and have found the switch. But looking at access...can I get a better shot at it by having the car jacked and doing it from underneath?
Looks like the oil pressure switch on one of the 3.2's has gone AWOL, question is..when you remove the switch,is there any significant leakage?....just need how much to expect.
Go to Omega Owners cars for sale on Facebook....but not Facebook market place. Also there are number of Omega owners groups etc there, and you will be able to either join in, or as it appears you want to sell your cars that's also possible....BUT please read the rules for those groups as there are a couple where selling isn't allowed. HTH
I've still got four of the AC Delco 3.0 kits which came up for sale at silly money.....think I bought eight in total, so that they could be robbed to make up kits for the 3.2's.