I have two, and I would compare them as like any work vehicle, that has maybe 2-3 drivers per shift and possibly on the road for 24 hours depending on policing requirements. They are in general ragged and abused, and yes it can be argued that they are regularly maintained to the highest standard....hmm

I have one car a 3.2 that had 40k on the clock which spent most of its 3 years sitting outside London embassies. Question was why dispose of such a low mileage car? simples, the transmission was shagged and required replacement. The second car a 3.0, had 86k and was in a scrapyard with a goosed engine. Should have walked away but the actual overall body wasn't to bad, so it got saved....So at three I've now stopped taking in any more knackered Omegas into the retirement home, ex police or otherwise, just need the check up for the neck up to complete the picture.....buyer beware!