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Messages - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Re: Head bans prayer
« on: 21 January 2024, 19:40:23 »
I wonder how Christians fare in a Muslim country if they want to do something according to their religion?

We have 7 fairly young men and women in our Spanish classes. They arent allowed to go to discos. Very entrenched views on jobs for men and womens place ( in the home) Zero chance of equality. Maybe a 100 years behind the West for womens rights.

General Discussion Area / Re: Rwanda.... Again!
« on: 20 January 2024, 09:05:00 »
We have the same here in Spain. Just a few examples:

A lot of Spaniards will never darken the door of a discount shop ( like a huge Wilkos) run by the Chinese.

Locals here wont use “ their “cafe whilst a group of Brits sit at the best table talking loudly in….English. They confide in us how they hate them.

We live in the countryside and we are outraged by the farmers ,99% Spanish ,who live in nice houses in the town and litter even their own olive groves. Stuff like cigarette wrappings just fall out of their hands or vehicle windows.

Job vacancies are filled as follows. Family, someone recommended by family, another Spaniard, finally a foreigner even if they have lived here for years. Illegal employment is still happening for very low paid jobs. One of our neighbours had some African blacks working the season on his olives and even charged them to sleep in one of his run down farm houses. It had cold running water and nothing else. ( the workers probably saw it as an improvement as we have seen them sleeping in a cave).

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 14 January 2024, 19:35:15 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Alaskan Door escape
« on: 09 January 2024, 10:18:33 »
I wonder if Ryanair will charge a premium for non window seats?

Pay £10 priority to guarantee you WON’T get allocated a seat next to an innocent looking window which is actually a “ plug” with loose bolts.

It is like something out of squid games!

General Discussion Area / Re: Back to school today!
« on: 08 January 2024, 23:41:20 »
My daughter and son in law are considering moving to Lanzegrotty. She is doing Spanish lessons, SIL not bothered. Surprises me how many British expats never bother to learn the lingo of the country they're in. Just assume that the locals all speak English.  ::)

Day to day you can get by with just basics. Pointing at menus, having the same drink all the time and buying food in supermarkets paying by card. The difficulties start when things go wrong. Health, detained by officials, car breakdown, in fact anything breakdown, overcharge on utility bill ( one town has a large number of folk who have been vastly overcharged on their water bills)

A vet we used, confided how her stomach is turned everytime she hears Hyyarr . In our local village, the locals wont use the outside area until the rude British expats go as they refuse to speak In Spanish to the staff.

My recommendation ronny is for them both to learn. Even with the basics, it is a far better experience.

General Discussion Area / Re: Back to school today!
« on: 08 January 2024, 12:47:29 »
Opti - his younger wife did everything for him.

General Discussion Area / Back to school today!
« on: 08 January 2024, 10:41:18 »
Our Spanish language night classes restart tonight.  Two at two hours ( no break) plus a minimum of 2 x two hours homework per week. We actually do more as being the oldest in the class our absorption levels are err lower. Coupled with travelling time it occupies a fair chunk of our lives.

We were reasonably fluent before but had many bad habits. As we intend to see our time out here it makes sense.  The class is taught in Spanish as the only common language though the tutor has some English. There is an Italian, Turk, Ukrainian, South African and about 7 Moroccans .  The Moroccans are all young and so quick to learn……

We take a recently bereaved Brit to the doctors to translate for him and because he doesn’t drive. 82 and lived here 15 years nd speaks zero Spanish.

Anyone else doing night classes?

General Discussion Area / Re: Sticky for Jokes
« on: 03 January 2024, 23:59:41 »
Dry January is dragging on a bit

General Discussion Area / Re: Luke Littler.
« on: 03 January 2024, 13:00:14 »
Maybe led a full life already?

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy new year......
« on: 01 January 2024, 09:48:48 »
Happy new year all. :y

I guess as a new years resolution I could get the Omega out the Garage for a spin  :o

Round trip of Europe pulling in 20 countries?

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy new year......
« on: 01 January 2024, 09:10:30 »
Wise words.

We are busy making memories, you cant take money with you. Today we are have the special crab burger at Crabby’s having reserved the best table overlooking the bay of Cadiz.

Tomorrow eating at Casa Bigote on the beach at Sanlucar after visiting Elias bodega for a crate of manzanilla.

Happy New Year all, get making memories!

General Discussion Area / Re: Rust Remover Solution
« on: 31 December 2023, 08:50:15 »
I wonder what else you have in yourattic!

We are downsizing after a lifetime of hoarding. I havea large box of stuff I am going to donate to a fellow expat friend who lives 45 minutes away. He opened a museum in his large garage . It has become a success with buses coming.

He has military stuff, Anne Brontes clothes, archaeological stuff and like all good museums…. Loads more stuff yet to be catalogued for display. Its a small world he used to have a shopin Scarborough next door to sister in laws shop but I never knew him then.

General Discussion Area / Re: Colorado.
« on: 30 December 2023, 23:28:08 »
 ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Colorado.
« on: 30 December 2023, 11:15:24 »
No let’s have Trump back. I miss his speeches. Mind you the key thing for us in Europe would be his support for Ukraine. Next year will be a turning point methinks. I can’t believe that Russia “ spent” over a billion on launched missiles in one day…… Buy shares in munitions if you are young.If you are old make friends with Dave the builder and his bunker. By now it must be the state of the ark!

General Discussion Area / Re: Sticky for Jokes
« on: 28 December 2023, 23:52:08 »
Did you heaar about the dyslexic Devil Worshipper who sold his soul To Santa

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