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Messages - dave the builder

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General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 21 November 2024, 17:05:31 »
I took my A6 in for MOT first thing yesterday morning and it passed with no advisories.  :y
always nice to get a clean ticket  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 21 November 2024, 10:11:03 »
Tuesday I took one astra H 1.6 estate for MOT .it passed ,no advisories  :)
then took my omega 2.6 for MOT , it passed ,no advisories  :)
then late afternoon I took the Astra G 1.4 for MOT ,passed, no advisories  :)
I've been very busy recently ,so didn't prep the cars as much as i would normally .

omega has a crack in the plastic side tank of the rad by battery ,weeps slightly when hot .
I've got a new rad from partsinmotion ,just need to find time to fit it  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Float Valves
« on: 01 October 2024, 21:57:11 »
Part 2 has more adjustment options for your ball  :o

Going to ask the dumb DIYer question now....

What does Part 1 and Part 2 refer to? Are they some portion of building reg's?
Part 2 is water regs WRAS to do with not siphoning back into the mains water supply if water pressure fails or the tank over fills above the ball c**k  ;)
also check valves on mixer taps and outside taps etc

part 1 is not worth fitting anymore IMHO

Well I did.  :P
in breach of WRAS  :o
The water police will arrest you and throw you in jail the canal  :D

It's come back on! For now  ::)
Fixed is fixed  :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Float Valves
« on: 01 October 2024, 18:31:35 »
Part 2 has more adjustment options for your ball  :o

Going to ask the dumb DIYer question now....

What does Part 1 and Part 2 refer to? Are they some portion of building reg's?
Part 2 is water regs WRAS to do with not siphoning back into the mains water supply if water pressure fails or the tank over fills above the ball c**k  ;)
also check valves on mixer taps and outside taps etc

part 1 is not worth fitting anymore IMHO

General Discussion Area / Re: Float Valves
« on: 28 September 2024, 22:20:11 »
Part 2 has more adjustment options for your ball  :o
Also, a polyethene sock can be fitted to the outlet (to quieten the water when filling)
oh ,and it's a quid cheaper  :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Has anyone seen....the sausages?
« on: 28 September 2024, 19:50:59 »
Most politicians like bending the working class over and shafting them  ::)

Omega General Help / Re: 2.6 v6 rear diff fill plug knackered
« on: 28 September 2024, 16:54:28 »
IF it is an LSD then there is a special fluid for it ,not just gear oil  ;)

General Car Chat / Re: The Car That Zigs...
« on: 27 September 2024, 20:58:04 »
He got it cheap cus someone put the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car  :D
I prefer the uk spec ,and i don't have a leather fetish  :P I prefer cloth seats
looks like a very rare ,tidy example though  :)

anyone got an EBAY link please  :-\   :D

What is/was the function of the plastic covers in the headlining?
Quick access to the wiring etc in the roof ,strobes, siren, tracker ariels ,doughnut warmer  :P

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Hi everyone
« on: 04 September 2024, 20:47:00 »
Thank you for your messages

@dave the builder: exact, it's the 20SE, no cat
 8) the better engine  :y
good luck with the project

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Hi everyone
« on: 04 September 2024, 17:27:41 »
Welcome to the forum
so you possibly have the 20SE engine or newer C20NE(with cats) 

General Discussion Area / Re: Pontins
« on: 02 September 2024, 19:56:05 »
Haven ,hoseasons ,parkdean  etc all do caravan holidays   :-\

Oh wait  :D  :-X 

The pipe in my link has worked perfectly (with suitable fuel line clamps ) easy to fit ,compatible With E85 Fuels, inside a tank   ::)
a full list of fuel lines and fittings here clicky

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