General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 21 November 2024, 17:05:31 »I took my A6 in for MOT first thing yesterday morning and it passed with no advisories.

always nice to get a clean ticket

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I took my A6 in for MOT first thing yesterday morning and it passed with no advisories.
in breach of WRASPart 2 is water regs WRAS to do with not siphoning back into the mains water supply if water pressure fails or the tank over fills above the ball c**kPart 2 has more adjustment options for your ball
Going to ask the dumb DIYer question now....
What does Part 1 and Part 2 refer to? Are they some portion of building reg's?
also check valves on mixer taps and outside taps etc
part 1 is not worth fitting anymore IMHO
Well I did.
Part 2 is water regs WRAS to do with not siphoning back into the mains water supply if water pressure fails or the tank over fills above the ball c**kPart 2 has more adjustment options for your ball
Going to ask the dumb DIYer question now....
What does Part 1 and Part 2 refer to? Are they some portion of building reg's?
What is/was the function of the plastic covers in the headlining?Quick access to the wiring etc in the roof ,strobes, siren, tracker ariels ,doughnut warmer
Thank you for your messages
@dave the builder: exact, it's the 20SE, no cat