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Messages - MartinP

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Omega General Help / Re: Engine dating for emissions!
« on: 25 July 2014, 12:53:42 »
Date related plate was never a real consideration as the running gear is Ford and the drive upto halfway down the propshaft is Vaux.

The cats have been fitted into the silencer and are new, not original.

I will check if the engine age is actually required then.



Omega General Help / Re: Engine dating for emissions!
« on: 24 July 2014, 13:28:34 »
Hi all,

Thanks for the comments, I have moved house and have no internet at the moment so lunch time is only access, when I get a lunch!

I have a new exhaust fitted , with cats and the original lambda sensors, the engine will be running on the original ECU.

The engine number I have is EX30XE 08360383.

I think it came out of a "S" reg estate, Log book has gone when it was scrapped, I thought it would be registered on a "Q" plate so did not SORN for 6 years.

My understanding is that a letter is required, but need a guide as to where to address it?

Omega General Help / Engine dating for emissions!
« on: 15 July 2014, 12:49:40 »
I have to verify the date of manufacture for my kit car engine to enable emissions testing at the appropriate level!

Engine code is 08360383, car has been scrapped a couple of years ago.

Has anyone contacted Vauxhall to get this information?


Omega General Help / Re: Who does cambelt changes now?
« on: 26 May 2014, 15:06:11 »
Had a visit from Daz and company today, cambelt changed sucessfully.  :y

Re-aquainted as not seen him for a long while. still a most helpfull chap and sorted the car out in short shrift.

Now to get it finished before the wedding  :D :D

Thanks Daz for the help.

Martin & Dee

Omega General Help / Who does cambelt changes now?
« on: 04 February 2014, 20:23:58 »
Been a while, I need to change the cambelt on the kit car before I move on with it (2 year hiatus)

I have the new cambelt kit and need either, to borrow a locking kit or part with beer tokens for someone else to change it for me.

Engine is already stripped.

Any offers to assist, please pm.



Maintenance Guides / (part 3)How to remove cloth seat, heater pads
« on: 19 October 2007, 23:46:15 »
remove the hidden retaining clip from the pivot cover (push it through with a small screwdriver/punch/dofer), it can be picked out after the cover is removed (shown sticking out of the cover ready for refitting)

remove the pivot bolt (15mm socket) and the spring clip on the tensioning pin.

On the other side prise off the adjusting knob, draw out the shaft. Unscrew trim retaining pin and repeat to remove the back rest from the seat section.

Unclip the seat cushion, this is a length of plastic at the back and all around the bottom edge a strip of cardboard stuck onto the cloth to form a clean edge to teh seat.
Take the foam cushion off, you are again faced with 14 of 18 wire rings to remove.

You do not need to remove all 18 of the clips as the heater pad is shaped and can be fed over the cloth cover if you leave 4 wire rings still attached.

Once again carefully strip the heater pad from the cushion

wire conections to the pad

Refitting will be a job requiring patience  ::)

Maintenance Guides / (part 2)How to remove cloth seat, heater pads
« on: 19 October 2007, 23:11:11 »
Strip the cover over the top portion of the cushion and you will now have the backrest cushion with the cloth cover held on with approximately 22 wire rings

On a 1 - 10 scale of easy to infuriating, this is a 7 (putting them back on will be 11 :'(

I used a pair of long nosed pliers to hold the ring and a flat screwdriver to twist the ring open (like a keyring) then you can rotate the rings to release the cloth backing from the wire frame in the cushion.

Once off the heater pad is stuck with double sided tape to the cushion, peel off carefully

Maintenance Guides / How to remove cloth seat, heater pads
« on: 19 October 2007, 22:53:30 »
Right, As I have a spare seat I thought I would strip it down to remove the heater pad.
Feel free to comment and if it makes sense an Admin might put it into the HOW tO section.

With the seat out, remove the 2 phillips screws at the bottom of the back panel and take it off.

Remove the 2 push in retainers on the cloth tabs holding the bottom of the backrest cushion to the frame

using 2 flat blade screwdrivers, push the headrest socket retaining tabs in to release the socket

Wind the seat back halfway, unclip the backrest cloth and strip off the backrest cushion and cover from the frame. Disconnect the plug on the side of the frame that connects the seat and backrest heater pads.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Where is plug "X0"
« on: 01 June 2011, 22:37:13 »
Is it not xd or XD,which is diagnosic socket :y

Many thanks,

That makes sense, but page 12.40 shows "X13" as diagnostics equipment!


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Where is plug "X0"
« on: 01 June 2011, 21:52:53 »
I am tracing a few wires and deciding if I need them in the kit car.

Engine is a 1998 3.0ltr

I have a Brown/white 0.75 wire from pin 55 on the ecu (track 247), goes to plug "X3", then leaves and goes to pin 7 on plug "X0".

I have the wire at X3.

Do I need it further down the line or can I terminate it?

Any help appreciated.  :y


Thanks for the pics, haven't had time yet to lie across the seat.


Thanks for the replies, will give it a go later.


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / can I nobble traffic master?
« on: 17 July 2010, 00:17:49 »
each time I start the car, traffic Master "licence expired" notification rattles out.

can I disable this easily?


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Diagnostic socket wiring
« on: 19 February 2010, 21:53:02 »
looks like a trip to the breakers with a pair of side cutters

Thanks for the link.

There are a few breakers on here so may not have to climb up a pile of cars.  ;) ;)

Pop in a wanted ad,

Dealt with by PM  :y


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Diagnostic socket wiring
« on: 18 February 2010, 22:27:08 »
looks like a trip to the breakers with a pair of side cutters

Thanks for the link.

There are a few breakers on here so may not have to climb up a pile of cars.  ;) ;)


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