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Topics - Darth Loo-knee

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
General Discussion Area / Craig Harrison Interview
« on: 31 December 2021, 14:09:42 »
Wow.... I have just watched an interview of Craig Harrison done by a Scots guy named James English on YouTube.

It is the best interview I think I have ever seen.

Craig Harrison was a British Sniper and killed a Taliban at 2475 metres....

It is really worth a watch

Sorry I have not kept in touch with alot of you, but I had quite a number of issues so changed my phone number a number of times losing all the numbers I had.....

Anyway enough of that boring stuff...

Hope your all having a Great Christmas and New Year


General Discussion Area / No I aren't dead!!!
« on: 26 June 2018, 19:48:20 »
Been Rejuvenated  ;D

General Discussion Area / Still some Ugly ode faces then....
« on: 10 September 2017, 22:02:03 »
You know who you are!!!

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Some V6 bits for sale
« on: 10 September 2017, 21:32:35 »
Pair of 3.0 heads (cams not with them) £40
3.0 engine which has done 76000 miles. Cams have been removed. £80
Plenums £10

I will post some pictures if they are needed

General Discussion Area / God Bless Vamps xxxx
« on: 26 September 2015, 09:13:54 »
I am shocked to here that Mike Flood (Vamps) passed away on the 16th September. He has been a long standing member of the Forum and a regular poster of some Great Times on here. At the Lakes Meet he used to take his Daughter Emma Louise (Elf) who my daughter Leanne made friends with. Elf has asked if I could put something on here as she didn't know what to say.

I am sure everyone will be as shocked as myself in this sad news.
My love and thoughts to you Elf and your Mum and family.

God Bless Mike xxx

As the title really. If you have one or know of one please let me know :y

I will be going to Bristol on one occasion, then London way on another. Looking at both Journeys to be in August.
if there is anyone else down that way that needs theirs doing I would share the fuel cost with however many there are :y
Give me a shout if your interested
Loo-knee xx

General Discussion Area / No Newent this year then??
« on: 27 May 2015, 00:06:36 »

As above really.  Please let me know if you have a pair and the inlet sandwich plate please :y

Only done 72,000 miles £100 :y

General Discussion Area / How's the weather there Guys??????
« on: 26 February 2015, 14:39:12 »
As its Glorious here in Beautiful Tenerife ;D
Like a Tanned Adonis I am... ;D

General Discussion Area / No I aren't dead yet!!!
« on: 02 February 2015, 16:33:02 »
Sure many will be saddened by this news.... especially people like Steveomo or whatever he calls himself ;D

Cars for Sale & wanted / 3.0 MV6 Wanted
« on: 28 August 2014, 09:51:09 »
Bodywork needs to pretty good, not to bothered about the engine side...
3.0 Black, manual MV6 would be idle but maybe wishing a bit ;D
Let me know Guys & Gals  :-*

Like said a brake servo pipe is needed for a members car. Its a 3.2 so from memory only has one nipple for the vac pipes to plumb in.
Cheers Guys & Gals :-*

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