When i purchased my Omega in early 2018 ,it was pretty obvious the windscreen had been BADLY replaced by the old (77 years) owner (or his blind, one armed, retarded glass man)

last week the Omega got jealous of the attention I was giving to a couple of the Astras

and decided it wanted a new screen

I've never really looked at the trim in any detail ,until now (other than discuss it with Al ,DG at Brackley meet a while back ,and agree it was a lash up, terrible job)
Having now looked at it in detail , I suspect the cowboy who fitted it

"forgot" the side trim inner sections ,until AFTER he/she/them/it had bonded the screen to the car

then somehow
retro-fitted jammed them in

and fitted the outer trims.
if you look at the trim, there's a 6mm ish gap between glass and the upper "goal post" trim
N/S trim side meets lower

I assume that gap is meant to have the screen in it

N/S outer trim gap

O/S trim gap close up

Am I correct in my assumption that the inner trim GM 90493424 , GM 90493425 , GM 90493426 and lower GM 90460336 should have been put round the glass BEFORE fitting , and the gap in my photos isn't meant to be there (the outer trim upper GM 90460335 is meant to be flush with the glass and A pillars

I intend to carefully remove the outer trims and see what condition the inner seats (4 sections) are in before deciding what to do or order .
having never done or had done an Omega screen , only carlton ones, I assume the trims can be re-used IF not badly mashed by the previous cowboy fitter ,or the cowboy who's going to remove them

I have searched the forum ,and gleamed some information

but this cluster**** bodge job hasn't been covered (that i can find )
perhaps no OOFer has ever had one fitted this BADLY before

though it did last at least until it didn't ,five plus years