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Topics - dave the builder

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Car Chat / Who's this ? own up
« on: 23 February 2024, 23:04:12 »
Who's this ?
video YOUTUBE clicky
End of the video @ 10 mins 15 secs
NOT me ,My Omega is  IN -A -STATE  , not AN ESTATE   :D

Omega General Help / Windscreen trim
« on: 21 September 2023, 16:35:19 »
When i purchased my Omega in early 2018 ,it was pretty obvious the windscreen had been BADLY replaced by the old (77 years) owner (or his blind, one armed, retarded glass man)  :-X

last week the Omega got jealous of the attention I was giving to a couple of the Astras  :P and decided it wanted a new screen  :(

I've never really looked at the trim in any detail ,until now (other than discuss it with Al ,DG at Brackley meet a while back ,and agree it was a lash up, terrible job)

Having now looked at it in detail , I suspect the cowboy who fitted it  :-X "forgot" the side trim inner sections ,until AFTER he/she/them/it had bonded the screen to the car  :-\ then somehow retro-fitted jammed them in  :o and fitted the outer trims.

if you look at the trim, there's a 6mm ish gap between glass and the upper "goal post" trim

N/S trim side meets lower

I assume that gap is meant to have the screen in it  :-\

N/S outer trim gap  :-\

O/S trim gap close up

Am I correct in my assumption that the inner trim GM 90493424 , GM 90493425 , GM 90493426 and lower GM 90460336 should have been put round the glass BEFORE fitting , and the gap in my photos isn't meant to be there (the outer trim upper GM 90460335 is meant to be flush with the glass and A pillars  :-\

I intend to carefully remove the outer trims and see what condition the inner seats (4 sections) are in before deciding what to do or order .

having never done or had done an Omega screen , only carlton ones, I assume the trims can be re-used IF not badly mashed by the previous cowboy fitter ,or the cowboy who's going to remove them  :D

I have searched the forum ,and gleamed some information  :)
but this cluster**** bodge job hasn't been covered (that i can find )
perhaps no OOFer has ever had one fitted this BADLY before  ;D
though it did last at least until it didn't ,five plus years  >:D


General Car Chat / A BIG thank you to TB
« on: 22 August 2022, 11:01:33 »
A BIG thank you to Jamie who sent me a box box of vauxhall Zafira A parts via courier a few days ago  :)
many new and genuine parts ,very well wrapped that i can use to keep the fleet going  :y
(sadly TB had to part company with his beloved ZAF recently )
He wouldn't even accept any payment ,even for postage ,
that's on top of keeping the wheels and cogs of the forum running without membership fees or subscriptions .
so a BIG THANK YOU from me  :)

Not my listing or anything to do with me  ,but a rare item ,may be useful to an OOFer  :)

MV6 and Sport trim level (prodrive) front towing eye cover on Ebay  :o

clicky link £30  

General Discussion Area / 6 sided socket set cheap Lidl
« on: 19 June 2022, 21:46:19 »
Lidl are doing a set of 6 sided sockets for £15
I've got a couple of smaller sets from a previous offer , quite good for the price  :)
especially good if your nuts are rusty  :-X

"Neatly stored in a sturdy metal case
Made from chrome vanadium steel
24 piece set
11x sockets 1/4” (6.3mm): 4-5-5.5-6-7-8-9-10- 11-13-14
13x sockets 1/2” (12.5mm): 12-13-14-15-16-17- 19-21-22-24-27-30-32
Matt finish with laser markings to help easily identify sizes"

Omega General Help / My Omega's Cats stolen
« on: 28 May 2022, 15:39:32 »
I've just been out to pull my Omega forward
sounded like thunder on start up and i kind of knew  >:(
both cats gone ,i need to look how much damage is done ,probably jacking up damage etc too
then check my CCTV
Just what i didn't need right now  :(

General Car Chat / Insurance renewal law
« on: 14 May 2022, 12:58:20 »
"New rules banning a loyalty penalty for car and home insurance customers take effect from 1 January. The rules mean customers renewing their policy will have to be offered a price no higher than if they were a new customer."

well that's codswallop  ::)

I did a comparison and the same company I use was £20 cheaper on a comparison site  :-\
lowest equivalent cover   £70 cheaper (still Defaqto 5 star well known brand)  ::)

so I phoned the original insurer ,said i'd cancel unless they matched the comparison site best price .
they said NO, I said don't renew then ,they said let me just see what we can do .....
OK we'll match it  ;D

so, despite new rules ,insurers still try and get as much as they can  ::)
I guess i shouldn't have expected any better really  .

General Discussion Area / new version of WINDOWS
« on: 16 June 2021, 19:50:54 »
Windows 11  :-\

lots of talk and speculation and leaks about the announcement EVENT at 11 am 24th June 2021

 "Microsoft will continue to support at least one release of Windows 10 Semi-Annual Channel until October 14, 2025"

I hope it's free for the new version or free to upgrade too from windows 10  :-\
as i've just purchased several Windows 10 digital licences  ::)

General Discussion Area / Chinese Virus
« on: 13 June 2021, 13:21:03 »
So..... it looks like further easing of restrictions will be delayed due to the Delta variant spreading throughout the UK.
the hope being that if lifting restrictions are delayed ,that more adults will get 2 doses of vaccine .

Reports show Astra zenica is up to 60% effective against serious illness
Phizer is up to 88% effective against serious illness

1/4 of the deaths of the Delta variant where people who had been vaccinated

so people may want to think about the situation we face before saying the delay in the easing of restrictions is justified  :P

why did I call this thread "Chinese Virus"  :-\ because I'm probably not very woke or P.C

and because reports of evidence like THIS CLICKY

worth the 15 minutes to watch IMO  :)


Stray safe out there  :y

There's a new Triple mutant Yorkshire COVID variant   :(

 the South African variant , N439K which is also associated with immune escape and the Kent variant ,all rolled into one  :o

General Discussion Area / Warning ! ICE AGE
« on: 28 March 2021, 18:08:25 »
Just a heads up  ;)
Sorry Lads
I just took the bridgestone blizzak snow and ice tyres off Mrs Builder's Astra and fitted regular ,less noisy  ::) rubber round things  :P

so expect UK temps to drop to -40 and bellow and 10 feet of snow very soon
(as per sods law ,section 5 , rule 11a  )

General Car Chat / Vauxhall Carlton "scrapped"
« on: 18 February 2021, 17:03:37 »
Youtube suggested video for me
13 minutes in
Charles Trent collecting "end of life vehicles" 
its MOTed till 7 January 2022
and i checked and it is 3615 cc model  :o
those where fitted with twin turbos and called "Lotus carltons" back in the day and worth more than scrap  :P

so WTF is going on here ?
anyone on the ABS know anything about it  :-\

Omega General Help / Auto-box faults & lights flashing
« on: 13 February 2021, 21:41:42 »
Not Mine , an old school pal phoned me up ,but 2.6 V6 auto CDX so post 2000 ,not sure exact year .
not looked at the car ,he says it goes into like limp mode ,especially when in sport mode and the selector lights flash
turning it off and on again resets the fault temporarily  :-\
I've heard of this but can't find the info on the OOF  :-[

Is it clean and adjust the selector as per this guide
Auto gearbox selector switch removal and cleaning 

Obviously I can check the ATF fluid level and read all the Modules for codes too  :)
anything else ?

Thanks in advance  :)

Omega General Help / Bargain NON VENTED EBC rear disc and pad set
« on: 05 February 2021, 16:22:27 »
not mine
For NON vented omega rear brake discs and EBC Yellowstuff Pads
CLICKY £25.38 including Parcelforce 48 delivery  :o

A real bargain for someone with a 2 liter Omega  ;)

I was tempted to buy them for the pads BUT i have a few GM sets already  :-[

General Car Chat / Cheap 710 10w40 OIL
« on: 24 January 2021, 22:25:49 »
20L of 10w40 delivered for £25.49
not sure how long the offer will last
I've purchased from them several times without issues  :)
obviously they won't deliver to Brackley though

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