Oh Gawd he,s back. 
How are you, ya ode ficker ?

Long time no hear / see. Still riding the old Blunderbus ?
Its Albs by the way, in case you didnt know. 
Hey up Albs.. mate I am so sorry I have lost yours and so many phone numbers

The Fizzy nearly killed me!! So she went for scrap....
Went out on a gorgeous Sunday morning a few years ago.. went to Llangollen, then headed for Barmouth. Not sure exactly why I came off to be fair. I was going but not hard enough to make this beautiful huge sweeping bend... the back wheel stepped out to the right so I steered in... seemed to right itself so though must have been oil or something, so carried on then the back end came around on my right this time the back was sort of overtaking the back. There was a sort of fence then a beautiful green field I assumed I was going into.... so lucky that there wasn't a car coming the opposite way...
I woke up, checked my nuts were still there... then did myself a check over.... my bike was rather beaten up, so lifted her up... then my nose sort of blew which I thought was blood. It was clear fluid that was pouring out for what seemed like an age.
Police came and all that... started my bike and rode her home... not sure how actually as peg was missing hear stiff bent strange etc handle bars turning right whilst going straight

When I got home I was knackered so went to sleep...
Turned out I had concussion which was right weird...
Anyway I lived to tell the tale.... but sadly my bike didn't