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Messages - Migv6 le Frog Fan

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General Discussion Area / Re: MotoGP Qualifying (Spoiler)
« on: 29 March 2015, 16:39:28 »
A 14 way battle for the lead on the last lap

General Discussion Area / Re: Wireless speakers
« on: 29 March 2015, 06:52:45 »
Personally, to my ears, listening to a good quality album played back on a good quality turntable / tone arm / cartridge combination and amplifier and speakers made in the UK, is infinitely preferable to listening to the same material via any digital means with the same amplifier and speakers.

Maybe I'm just an old fart.... but put a modern digital media source through a valve amplifier and you suddenly realise what's missing in today's products.

Strangely I listen to MP3 media via a £3 MP3 player fed into an NCDC / Bose setup in the car...   :-[ ::) but then, it is a car!!!  ;D

Absolutely. Digital sound simply cannot replicate the "warmth and authenticity" of good quality vinyl played through a good quality system.
Just as an instrument such as an electric guitar will never sound as good through anything other than a good quality valve amp.
Having said that, it may be the case that "music" recorded in digital form in recent times is a different proposition ?
I wouldn't know,as to my ears 99% of what passes for music these days is an atrocious din. :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Top gear suspended.
« on: 26 March 2015, 20:33:18 »
I think Rossi is still quite busy with his other job - chasing Marquez.
It would be nice if bikes had their own separate programme. Plenty of possible candidates for the presenting job. Foggy and James Witham would be a good team.

General Discussion Area / Re: Top gear suspended.
« on: 26 March 2015, 20:03:33 »
Presumably he was talking rather than racing. :y
He was a fantastic racer, but a truly awful talker. ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Top gear suspended.
« on: 26 March 2015, 19:39:01 »
Nigel Mansell and Suzi Perry in the same pitlane. She must have a time machine that can take her back to the 80,s.  ::)
Love him or loathe him, Clarkson is / was Top Gear. If the BBC want to have a Top Gear programme in the future it will have to be something completely different to the previous version.
It would take someone seriously deluded to imagine they can parachute in A.N.Other celebrity in to fill his shoes.
Having said that, apparently someone at the Beeb suggested Stephen Fry as a replacement, which only shows how out of touch they are with the typical Top Gear viewer.
I don't care what they do, but please don't inflict that hateful, soulless tawt Chris Evans onto our screens.

General Discussion Area / Re: The big debate
« on: 26 March 2015, 19:31:45 »
I cant see any justification for the SNP or Plaid Cymru being included in the National TV debates. They only put up candidates in one of the four countries in the U.K.
Particularily when the Northern Irish parties were specifically excluded from the debates.
The national debt is now £1.5 trillion or thereabouts, so I think Cameron / Osbornes claims of having gone a long way to sorting out the mess is a bit rich.
Obviously if the two Ed,s got into power things would be a hell of a lot worse though.
Re Cameron,s promise of an EU referendum - its not the first time he has promised that.  ::)
He is a compulsive liar, even by the standards of Westminster.
I believe Cameron is indeed scared, but it isn't Milliband hes scared of. Hence insisting the one real debate is a seven way debate. Thus ensuring no-one in particular will have much time to say anything at all.  ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Monaro
« on: 26 March 2015, 11:47:54 »
Was offered one a few months ago, with only 25,000 on the clock. When I was younger and wealthier I would have snapped his arm off, but in these days of overcrowded roads, average speed cameras appearing everywhere, ANPR in police cars etc. I honestly don't see the point.
If you want to go fast these days, buy or build a trackday car, or move to Germany.

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: ABS Essex meets
« on: 26 March 2015, 11:43:45 »
I think that is nearer london than the other venue - might make it to this one in the coming months.... ::) :P 8)

Umm, nope. :D

General Discussion Area / Re: New Hoover - Dog compatible!
« on: 23 March 2015, 13:18:35 »
In my experience people don't realise just how mediocre Dysons,Henrys etc etc. are until they try a Sebo or possibly a Meile.
The difference is night and day.
Interesting to note that Sebo non upright (cant remember the correct term) have motorised cleaning heads (aka carpet beater), via an electric cable which runs along the tube between the machine and cleaning head.

I would go for the 3.0 elite without a second thought. 3.0 is much better than a 2.6. Its got LPG which is a big bonus. Plus the Elite is a better car in every way than an Mv6, apart from being a bit wallowy in the corners, but that's easily fixed if required.

General Discussion Area / Re: Quandary
« on: 19 February 2015, 18:25:03 »
Either man up or buy a second TV. :y ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Droooooooooooooooool
« on: 18 February 2015, 17:27:47 »
It's got the same badge , but eff all else the same as my chevvy  :y

Treu enough. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Aw,B<@@?$%s!!!
« on: 15 February 2015, 14:07:04 »
Don't know you Baza, but saddened to hear of the problems you and your wife are experiencing.
Sounds like things may be improving to some extent, which has to be a good thing. Hope it continues to do so. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Election in May Time to sack David C.
« on: 15 February 2015, 14:04:31 »
A message just flashed on top of my screen which said something about playing nicely as no-one wants keyboard warriors.
Im guessing it doesn't come up on your screen ?  :-\ ::) :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Election in May Time to sack David C.
« on: 15 February 2015, 12:06:35 »
I would say most of them, but not quite all of them. There are still a few (very few) in all the parties who do what they do because they believe in it. :y

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