General Discussion Area / Re: MotoGP Qualifying (Spoiler)
« on: 29 March 2015, 16:39:28 »
A 14 way battle for the lead on the last lap
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Personally, to my ears, listening to a good quality album played back on a good quality turntable / tone arm / cartridge combination and amplifier and speakers made in the UK, is infinitely preferable to listening to the same material via any digital means with the same amplifier and speakers.
Maybe I'm just an old fart.... but put a modern digital media source through a valve amplifier and you suddenly realise what's missing in today's products.
Strangely I listen to MP3 media via a £3 MP3 player fed into an NCDC / Bose setup in the car...![]()
but then, it is a car!!!
I think that is nearer london than the other venue - might make it to this one in the coming months....![]()
It's got the same badge , but eff all else the same as my chevvy