But if it has a hole in it (which seems to be the case as it was leaking oil into coolant) then whats to stop coolant now leaking into it and then coming out the top of it, if the inlet / outlet havent been blanked off ?
You sound like swmbo. "Slow down, theres no need to rush everywhere all the time". But there is though. Ever day that passes leaves me less time to do stuff. So I do things quickly, for a short time, until the energy runs out because Im old, and then I get pissed off.
Similar here. Although there wouldnt have been much point, as the other kid might have had a gun. A 15 year old kid in my class actually pulled a gun on a teacher. His Dad ( a senior para military figure) beat the living shite out of him, and told the school not to phone the Police as it would never happen again - and it didnt.
Over the worst of Manflu ( yes I know its miraculous) just before starting a run of nightshifts, so happy enough. Stood up quickly from the sofa this morning and felt my back go. Been in "considerable discomfort" since. FFS ! Its no fun getting old.
I would suspect a lazy Stat for the engine temperature issues. Can see the lack of "oil cooler" means it will take slightly longer to get up to temp. but nothing beyond that.
Its just so they can be seen to be doing something, because they actually havent a clue what to do. If they did know the answers they would be far too spineless to implement them.
I had similaron mine a few years ago. Found a rotten area about the size of a 50p piece. Chopped out the rot and welded a little plate over the hole, problem solved.