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Messages - Migv6 le Frog Fan

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General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 02 January 2025, 23:56:10 »
Wayne Osmond of the Osmond Brothers. Died from a stroke at 73.

General Car Chat / Re: Petrol pressure washer?
« on: 02 January 2025, 14:20:37 »
Use two buckets and microfibre mitt, then dry with microfibre towels you lazy sods.  >:D

Fixed that for you.  :y :)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 02 January 2025, 14:18:39 »
Changed a headlight bulb on the C1. A bit of a faff as expected. The days of changing them in seconds are ancient history now.
Too many things crammed into a small space.
Cant complain about the little pile of shite though. Not only does it give no trouble, I broke my previous record (22 minutes) of the journey home from work in it, on New Years day morning by a minute.
Previous record was set in the old Merc 190D.
You would have thought it would be in the Boxster or Omega, but its all about how little traffic is on the roads and little to do with how fast the car is.
In a slow car you get it up to speed and then make sure you dont slow down if at all possible.
Probably more fun than speeding up / slowing down in something more powerful.
I do regret never timing the journey when I still had the bike, and before the SPECS cameras on the A12.
I reckon close to 15 minutes would have been possible.
Its 17 miles btw.

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 02 January 2025, 14:09:49 »
I agree completely. In private use they are very anti social and terrify pets. Time for a ban.
I also cant see the attraction. When youve seen one fireworks display, youve seen them all.

General Discussion Area / Re: Happy New Year
« on: 01 January 2025, 13:08:18 »
Happy New Year everyone.  :y

General Car Chat / Re: My Christmas treat
« on: 30 December 2024, 15:36:08 »
Its not pink, so Im guessing Garage.  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 29 December 2024, 22:02:55 »
Seemed to be a good man, but not a very good President.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 29 December 2024, 08:47:26 »
Its a crap job but someone has to do it.  :)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 28 December 2024, 18:23:40 »
Brought the Omega to work today for a change.
Checked and adjusted tyre pressures, checked fluid levels, cleaned the inside of the windows, to hopefully help prevent steaming up.
Then gave it a wash.
Not much I know, but it helps pass the time.

General Discussion Area / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: 25 December 2024, 10:28:21 »
Merry Christmas everyone.  :y

Eml light constantly on used to drive me mad. Now I dont really notice it. I just clear the code to put the light off for the MOT once a year.  :)

General Car Chat / Re: Further drop in cost of a new leccy Jag.
« on: 25 December 2024, 10:24:27 »
The Govt. have announced they are to have consultations with the manufacturers about the deadline for EV only vehicles.
Expect it to get pushed back at least 5 years, which will then become 10 years......

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 24 December 2024, 14:23:02 »
Just read my post back and I got it wrong. Return journey was M11 / A120.
Not A12 / A120.  ::) :)
But yeah, they are still a great mile crunching car, even though mine is over 22 years old and a few hundred miles short of 200,000 on the clock.
It has had a fair few quid spent on it to keep it in fine mechanical fettle over the years though, so none of the suspension has done more then about 25,000 miles, which helps.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 24 December 2024, 12:11:58 »
I appreciate many have 'experimented' with poly bushes, although from a personal point of view, dispite owning several Omegas since 2004, and clocking up an approx. combined 140/150k in them in this period, I have only ever replaced the wishbones on one Omega, and that was purely due to corrosion of the wishbone itself rather than failure of the bushes (the car had previously lived in a coastal area so I presume the sea air had contributed to this). Admittedly, I used genuine GM wishbones as replacements, and I never saw the need to replace the original bushes with polyurethane, and still don't. I have tried poly bushes on some of my Triumphs, but always gone back to rubber. Fortunately I still have several pairs of new original GM wishbones available for any replacements, but at the rate I have had the need to change them since 2004, then fitting (in my opinion) unnecessary poly bushes as alternatives is not something I would consider as a necessary alternative.

I fitted Polys to mine some time ago. Tightens the front end up a bit compared to rubber and were a lot cheaper than a new pair of genuine wishbones so it made sense to me. Also dont need the faff of torquing the bolts with the wheels on the ground which is a bonus.
Which reminds me, I must regrease them in the spring.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 24 December 2024, 12:10:04 »
Had an enjoyable 110 mile drive in the Omega this morning, which is something I rarely do these days.
Down that East London via the A12, and then back via the A12 / A120.
Averaged just over 27mpg, which isnt bad, and as the traffic was reasonably light, touched three figures on the speedo a couple of times *.
It reminded me again that it really is a lovely old thing to drive

* Obviously this involved a slight detour to a private road.  ;) :D

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