Loaded the family in and drove it. (for the first time after being parked under a tree for 5 years)
Hot sunny day :-)
Discovered that the A/C doesn't work.
Went shopping, loaded up with frozen food.
Starter failed to turn the engine over - bugger
Opened the bonnet and poked at the power cables trying to find a loose or hot connection but nothing doing.
Got back in the driving seat and started discussing how to get home, gave the key another turn - just to hear the solenoid click - and of course it started..............
Drove home, fed the kids & got them to bed & then hoicked the starter out for a post mortem.
Took the end plate off and found that the bush for the end of the motor shaft is oval and allowing about 2 or 3mm play in one direction.
The starter has always sounded a bit rattly but I never got round to investigating it. Prolonged cranking to get the thing started last week must have been the last straw.
Put the end plate back on rotated by 180 degrees, that seems to work better so hopeful that will last until I can get a replacement on Monday.