On the Omega - Replaced aux. belt (finally !) replaced the air and cabin filters (genuine GM) cleaned the breathers, removed the fans and various gubbins to remove temp sensor / switch from just under the top coolant hose on the rad to hopefully fix a minor leak from it. Cleaned it all up, smeared some Hylomar blue around it and refitted it.
Then refitted gubbins and fans.
Replaced the header tank with a brand new one. No sensor in the new tank, but the sensor in the old tank gave up the ghost years ago, so it doesnt really matter.
Drained the coolant and refilled with new stuff.
Had a good look around chassis rails etc. in the engine bay while I had various bits out of the way. Found a couple of areas where paint looked a bit flakey, so cleaned them up. treated with Bilthamber Hydrate 80 and once dry sprayed a little Supertrol over it to keep the rust at bay
Providing the oil I ordered arrives tomorrow, will change the oil and filter(GM) and refit the bagpipes.
Should be all nicely sorted for the winter under the bonnet now.
Next jobs are treat fairly minor rust on the rear arches and then repaint them, and try again to find the annoying knock from underneath when driving over rippled surfacaes.
Its driving me fickin nuts.

It seems Im getting my spannering mojo back just as the cold weather is arriving.