A few months ago, Three decided in their wisdom to "upgrade" their My3 website/App.
This means that every customer has to register their phone number with an email address. I have three phones (self, wife, daughter) which all used to be registered to my own email address.
A few weeks ago, I needed to adjust my daughter's phone package, so I had to go through the registration process with her number and I used my email address.
Today I decided to amend my own package, so I went to My3 and popped in my number. Said it was already used. Turns out each phone needs a different email address. I have a spare, so I tried to register with that – only to find that it could not be accepted as it needs the original email associated with my phone and, of course that is registered with my daughter's phone.
No chance of speaking to a human, of course and, it seems from the 3 Community forum that I am not alone in being thoroughly disappointed with the company and likely to leave (my contract is up anyway).
Why can't companies act in their customers' best interests instead of just pi**ing them off? Are they that arrogant/stupid?