General Discussion Area / Re: Trouble ahead. No electricity?
« on: 06 October 2024, 23:02:42 »There's plenty of the stuff to go around, so no blackouts.
You hope....
Please play nicely. No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....
There's plenty of the stuff to go around, so no blackouts.
This thread has made me both happy and sad. Happy that there are so many dog lovers on here, but sad because I am still grieving over the loss of my chocolate Labrador in June. Over the course of almost 14 years he became, not just a dog, but a best mate.So sorry to hear about Buttons :'(
I know I need another, but my memories of 'Buttons; are still fresh. Can any anyone who has lost a beloved pooch let me know how to move on, dog-wise?
Do nothing for now, it's very easy to fill that hole quickly and then realise, too late, that you've made a mistake. Give yourself time to get used to your new routine and then you'll be in a position to make a decision based on practicality rather than emotions.
I found my life to be empty without Poppy, but there are a lot of things we give up to make sure Kenny has a good life. Not everyone will want to do the same but, of course, you have vast experience of having a dog.
You never forget, I still call Kenny 'Pops' now and again, but you know there's no substitute for that bond you form with your (new) best mate.
If I were you I'd set a date, maybe after Christmas, and see how I felt then. Just my opinion.
Bring what in?
Indeed and I feel if these and others such as the Labour councillor spouting out hatred, such as cutting of throats continue with impunity, there will be a regrouping and things will get far worse. We’ve all said this was coming for years, but unfortunately the various governments are far too stupid and failed to understand that people are pissed off. There again they could have some sort of agenda? Being controlled by aliens? ( there are humans who can fit this criteria) there’s just got to be something going on, everyone can see it apart from the ones who have the power at least to try fixing the problems. I agree that all this rioting is bad, but the majority of these people have nothing left to try, continuing to try for the governments attention falls on deaf ears, I’m afraid there are many now who are of the mindset that enough is enough and feel it’s all they have left wrongly or rightly.