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Messages - Migalot

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 54
General Car Chat / Re: Motor Factors?
« on: 14 May 2024, 16:31:40 »
Passed car test Feb. 1978.

Passed mine in 1969.

Yep, almost a fossil.  ::) ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 11 May 2024, 12:12:44 »
Great pics, Jimbob!  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 11 May 2024, 00:15:50 »
Friends have posted great photos from Oxford and Hatfield. Haven't seen anything myself due to light pollution here in North London.  :(

Update: Some feint reds and greens seen, despite the light pollution.  :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 10 May 2024, 23:51:24 »
Friends have posted great photos from Oxford and Hatfield. Haven't seen anything myself due to light pollution here in North London.  :(

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 10 May 2024, 13:05:04 »
Metcheck have just put this out on Facebook:

AURORA ALERT: For the first time since 2005, NOAA have issued a Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch.  This means an enhanced chance of seeing the aurora (northern lights) tonight and over the weekend.  Of course, the nights are increasingly short now so the best times are between 11pm and 2am if you have clear skies.

General Discussion Area / Auroras this weekend?
« on: 09 May 2024, 22:17:06 »
SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Giant sunspot AR3664 has now hurled at least four CMEs directly toward Earth. Their combined arrival this weekend could spark severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storms with mid- to low-latitude auroras. Although this is a potentially significant space weather event, it is not going to be the next Carrington Event. If the coming storm were a hurricane, it would be ranked category 4, not category 5.

Sunspot AR3664 has grown so large, it now rivals the great Carrington sunspot of 1859. Carrington's sunspot is famous because in August and Sept. 1859 it emitted a series of intense solar flares and CMEs. The resulting geomagnetic storms set fire to telegraph offices and sparked auroras from Cuba to Hawaii. The "Carrington Event" has since become a touchstone of space weather in pop culture, with recent headlines stoking fears of an "internet apocalypse" if it repeats.

 :o :o


General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 24 April 2024, 14:24:35 »
3 network.

Seems my sim only contract ran out 20/4/24 so rung them for opptions, ,  renewed for a lower price.

but cant get on the app.  Seems they updated it and I have to reregister.

Fun and games have started, put my number in, get to password cant go any furher

Asks foe password?  Trying to register, NEXT

Please register your account,

Ask it for a reset link - keeps going round in circles.

Phone support blameing my email - P***ed off

Had the same problem. Left them for SMARTY. No contract – can cancel at anytime – and uses the 3 network. Kept my old number. All done in a matter of days.  :y

General Car Chat / Wet belts
« on: 19 April 2024, 23:06:33 »
Amazing what one can learn by idly watching the latest car-related videos on YouTube.

I had never come across the "wet belt" term before, but apparently it refers to the engine design in which the timing belt (rubber) is part of the internal engine, not on pulleys outside. The belt goes round through the oil in the sump. Consequently, they degrade and trash the engine. Apparently, this feature is common in Fords, Citroens and now Vauxhalls, too.

Unsurprisingly, it costs a grand to have the belt changed in a Transit and the recommended mileage interval has been reduced. Furthermore, you are obliged to use a specific Ford oil. If you don't, or can't prove it, and the belt goes the you have no recourse even if the vehicle is under warranty.

Think I'll stick with my exterior-belted Omega (always changed within the 4-year limit).  :y


General Discussion Area / Re: Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse.
« on: 26 March 2024, 18:57:17 »
I see that the port is expected to close indefinitely, causing huge supply chain issues. Last year more than 847,000 cars and light trucks passed through the port, the 13th consecutive year it has led all other ports for these. Nissan, Toyota, GM, Volvo , JLR and VW use Baltimore for imports and exports (Source: National Times).   

General Discussion Area / Re: Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse.
« on: 26 March 2024, 15:15:01 »
This is a much more informative video. You can see that the ship's lights go out, then come back on again and large plumes of exhaust (suggesting full emergency reverse?) all prior to the impact. To me, that suggests mechanical failure of some sort.

If it does, its likely that Putin will then carry on into other countries, hoping to rebuild his beloved USSR.

Cobblers. He not only doesn't have the resources, but why would he even want to acquire a bunch of pseudo-liberal shitholes, full of illegal immigrants? (Which pretty much describes all Western countries now). Plus the fact he has never said he wanted to re-establish the USSR. It's simply absurd.

Russia has all it needs in terms of resources, plus the fact that it is a cohesive society with strong family values and patriotism (like the UK I grew up in once had).

This 'dangle berries' about carrying on into other countries is deliberate scare-mongering put out by the globalists and their puppet media. It represents a barrier to the dreams (nightmares!) of a WEF-controlled world. Just look at which Western leaders are part of that cult: Zelensky, Trudeau, Sunak, Mordaunt...the list goes on and on.

America (under Biden) is a far greater threat to humanity. Why had it established 12 CIA stations in Ukraine, along with several bio-labs? Why did Nuland orchestrate the coup in 2014?   

As for my view, I want the UK to return to being a traditional conservative country. The extreme right-wing nationalists in Western Ukraine, with their SS emblems on their fatigues, are an anathema to me...and should be to anyone that lost family members in WW2.


General Car Chat / The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 11 March 2024, 22:41:57 »
Perhaps the future is not electric, but improved internal combustion. Ford and Toyota think so. :y

Interesting stuff.

General Discussion Area / British Army’s Race Action Plan
« on: 11 February 2024, 13:58:50 »
The plan acknowledges that security clearance vetting is a significant barrier for non-UK personnel seeking commissions in the Army, particularly for roles in intelligence and officer positions with "uncontrolled access to secret assets." To boost representation, the plan aims to "challenge security clearance requirements."

We're screwed. >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Carlson Putin interview
« on: 10 February 2024, 17:25:00 »
Candace Owens (she's wonderful!  :D) rightly points out the cultural Marxism that's driving the US now. Endless war and history scrapped.

 :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Carlson Putin interview
« on: 10 February 2024, 16:02:28 »
I am not "pro-Russian" per se. I am, however, against Nazism and the antics of the WEF, the US Military Industrial Complex, the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media and now, sadly, NATO.

I am in favour of free speech, mature discussion and diplomacy.

Finally, I am against the intentional killing of civilians, whether in Gaza or Belgorod.

Few of you would ever watch alternative views.

If anyone has an open mind, though, I heartily recommend this discussion between an Englishman and an Irishman.

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