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Messages - Migalot

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 [54]
Big thanks to Daz for doing a cracking job with my cambelt and cam gaskets today!!

Super fella!  :y :y :y :y :y

Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow over the RAF Museum at Hendon.  :y

(Weather permitting of course).

General Discussion Area / Re: Amazing Dreamliner video
« on: 24 June 2015, 22:51:22 »
Rotate to near vertical climb out is very impressive... The 757 with a pair of late RB211s will perform the same trick with equal ease.

Only problem is that at that point, if one engine shuts down there is only time for one outcome... ::)

At least during normal take off the aircraft is relatively stable, thereby giving options to the crew...

That said the display crew would probably push the nose over and level the aircraft whislt attempting a restart :-\

This Thomson 757 experienced a bird-strike on climb out and the crew managed...bloody well, actually!

General Discussion Area / Re: Amazing Dreamliner video
« on: 24 June 2015, 18:54:42 »
Interesting, I guess the airframe is the clever bit as clearly it has hardly any fuel, no passengers and no cargo so weight is mega low.

Not to mention no strategy to handle an engine failure. :-X

Not sure I understand. I believe all certified pilots and aircraft are tested for engine-out procedures.  ???

General Discussion Area / Amazing Dreamliner video
« on: 22 June 2015, 22:37:28 »
For any aircraft anoraks out there!!

Amazing video! Choose your viewpoint. (Best on laptop/PC. Limited for mobile phone users) :y

General Discussion Area / Re: road tax
« on: 26 May 2015, 16:47:30 »
Yes, indeed, you can cancel a direct debit.


You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time and the process is very straightforward.

Remember that cancelling the Direct Debit simply stops payments from going to the organisation you are paying. If you carry on receiving the goods or service then you will have to organise an alternative payment method.

Money shouldn't be collected from your account after you have cancelled and under the Scheme rules, an organisation would have to obtain your authority to reinstate a cancelled Instruction. 

General Discussion Area / Re: Motability scooter insurance
« on: 26 February 2015, 10:59:54 »
The European Court of Justice has decided and the UK cannot appeal the ruling.

No. The ECJ hasn't "decided the UK cannot appeal the ruling". The ECJ is the highest court in Europe, so there is simply no higher court to appeal to.

No, you misquoted me by removing the "and".

The ECJ has decided [or ruled, if you prefer] AND the UK cannot appeal...etc. for the reasons you state.

General Discussion Area / Motability scooter insurance
« on: 25 February 2015, 21:47:42 »
It seems that likely that owners of these scooters, ride-on lawnmowers, golf buggies etc. will soon need motor insurance.

The European Court of Justice has decided and the UK cannot appeal the ruling.  :o >:(

Omega General Help / Re: Cambelt
« on: 22 February 2015, 19:52:31 »
Thanks, Sir Tigger.

Omega General Help / Cambelt
« on: 22 February 2015, 16:16:52 »
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

Can anyone recommend a place or person to replace my cambelt (NW London area)?

It was last done nearly 4 years ago, though I have not done anywhere near 40k miles in that time.

Many thanks in advance. :y

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