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Messages - btc

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ... 31
General Car Chat / Re: Dirty VAG's
« on: 23 September 2015, 17:28:20 »
Don't think he will be the last huge potential loss and damage to the brand

General Car Chat / Re: Dirty VAG's
« on: 23 September 2015, 15:05:16 »
VW reckon there could be up to 11 million Vehicles affected worldwide and have put 6.5billion euro's aside to cover costs and could be facing fines of up to 18 billion euro's

General Car Chat / Re: Dirty VAG's
« on: 23 September 2015, 14:33:16 »
There was something on one of the news site's that they are looking at a £12billion fine from the yanks and board has been asked to resign

General Car Chat / Re: Dirty VAG's
« on: 23 September 2015, 13:34:17 »
Wonder if this will affect my car it is after just a golf

General Discussion Area / Re: Seat Leon TDI Se one for btc
« on: 21 September 2015, 22:57:59 »
They do drive well nice and comfy mine is just under 18 month old done 40k and the average fuel consumption over the last 2.5k of mixed driving is averaging 56.2 mine is the TDI tech with LED lights satnav and DAB radio I have had no issues and would buy another

General Discussion Area / Re: 17 year old + porsche gt3=
« on: 21 September 2015, 20:01:32 »
Ouch that looked nasty not a lot he could have done really

General Discussion Area / Re: Kenneth Noye
« on: 21 September 2015, 19:58:41 »
Thats the things we know about. What about all the other things that peole are to scared to tell

He is unbelievably evil and a very arrogant person

General Discussion Area / Re: Remember hotwheels?
« on: 18 September 2015, 19:28:37 »
Looks impressive wouldn't mind trying it

General Car Chat / Re: Skoda Yeti
« on: 16 September 2015, 13:00:25 »
Had one as a courtesy car they do go well and decent to drive

General Discussion Area / Re: 32 Cubic feet
« on: 12 September 2015, 12:24:45 »
That's a cracking looking tank

General Discussion Area / Re: Switching to sky
« on: 11 September 2015, 12:10:11 »
Great offer that already signed up thanks to tunnie also got HD+ free

General Discussion Area / Re: Incapacity Benefit
« on: 28 August 2015, 19:52:59 »
Excuse my ignorance on the subject....but who is it that actually makes a decision of 'fit for work'. Is there not a GP/Medical input  ???

they use a third party contractor used to be ATOS but they removed them self from part of the contract..not sure who they are called now....same shower I think going under different must have heard the horror stories tony like a wheel chair bound woman being asked to climb a flight of stairs 

The company they use now is an amercan company who use nurse to access people that doctors and professor's have accessed to be unfit for work either through  illness or mental health

General Car Chat / Re: 3.2 estate
« on: 24 August 2015, 16:17:47 »
Nice looking car I like that colour

Reported that there are 7 dead and 1 critical about 10 mins for where I used to live

General Car Chat / Re: Insignia parking brake
« on: 16 August 2015, 21:29:53 »
Must be a pain if you broke down as a non runner and need recovery

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