General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 07 February 2018, 17:11:59 »
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I drove a 20TC auto for a while, it could shift and was, I thought, quite luxurious at the time.
Or this maybe a bit controversial why have kids in the first place if you cant feed/cloth or take care of themThousands of little black babies in Africa are starving every day and their plight is graphically demonstrated on the news each evening.
Many people change the channel and frankly don't give a f*ck.
On the new channel they hear the sad story of 'Bessie' the abandoned kitten or puppy....WHO NEEDS OUR HELP. Bessie looks at us with big sad eyes and people reach for their credit card.
Which do people care about most? A homeless mutt or a homeless man?
In summary, Sir Tig, the animals will have a better life than the kids.
I do understand what you are saying, Sir Tigger, but I have a couple of observations here: those starving babies live in a country with a government, which has a duty of care towards its citizens - so let them sort the problem?
Or is it their government that doesn't give a f*ck?